Tuesday, October 18, 2022

October 17, 2022

 Monday October 17, 2022

Blog time 1030 sitting in Panera.

Got up this morning at 0630.  Checked outside and it was cold, 34, and raining.  Rain all day predicted.

I did my at home calisthenics.  No breakfast at home today.  I dressed and drove to the Y.  

Arrived at Y before 0800.  Earliest arrival ever.

Completed my normal routine.  Today I walked a mile as fast I could.  It took me 20 minutes.  Fast time for me but I was still passed by most folks.

Got home a little after nine.  Debbie was still sleeping.  Nancy did not want to go to Panera for breakfast.  I took the Fusion.

At Panera I had oatmeal and a bagel.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

It is now 1050 and I am heading home.  Today we have a showing at 1430 so I have to help with the picking up.

After the showing Debbie and Nancy cleaned out all excess kitchen pots and pans.  I was surprised at how many there were.  Placed all the pots and pans  in cardboard boxes and loaded in Escape.  Tomorrow I will take to Good Will.

For dinner tonight we ate at Russ’s.  Debbie had chicken rice soup and a burger.  Nancy had only a cup of chicken rice soup and a muffin.  I had a bowl of chili and a muffin.  All very good.  

Tonight we watched a British crime show featuring  forensic lab folks solving crimes.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We both gave an update of our activities.

When checked the courtyard before bed.  It was cold and raining.  More of the same tomorrow.

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