Thursday, October 20, 2022

October 19, 2022

 Wednesday October 19, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

Today is my easy day.

It was raining and cold, 37, when got up.

Got coffee at Panera for Bob and Nancy.  Also bought a bagel.

Drove to the Y and did my abbreviated calisthenics.  Today’s mile walk time 19 minutes.  Today I showered at Y.

Nancy had lunch with friends today.

Debbie and I had lunch at Cascade Road House.

At home Debbie and I cleaned out my old college text books.

Our house was shown from 1400 to 1500.

At 1400, Nancy, Debbie and Bob drove to Porter Hills to see our new apartment under renovation.

My Sister, Helen, arrived at 1500. She is staying until Saturday. 

Nice to have a full house of family.

Dinner tonight at Monellis Bar and Grill.

We met Page and her boyfriend Mike Smith.  Monellis is an Italian restaurant.  The place was jammed.  I had spaghetti and meat balls. Very good. 

At home we spent a relaxing hour talking.

Checked Courtyard before bed. It was raining and cold.

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