Monday, October 17, 2022

October 16, 2022

 Sunday October 16, 2022

Blog time Monday at 1000 in Panera

Up early Sunday morning, 0630.

Drove to Panera to get coffee for Nancy and Bob.

We let Debbie sleep in.  She probably has some jet lag.

It was cold this morning.  Temp 39 and high will be in 40s.

For breakfast this morning we drove to Leo’s.  We all had eggs and toast. Debbie and I had hash browns and bacon with our eggs.  Debbie raves about the hash browns.  I agree.

Our Condo is being shown at 1130 so we had several hours to kill after breakfast.   First stop was Costco.  We spent over an hour walking the aisles.  We did purchase several small items.

When we arrived home at noon the prospective buyers (we hope) had left.  This afternoon both Debbie and I took a nap.

After the nap I took a 2.5 mile walk.  It was windy with temps in 40s.  I bundled up so no problem walking.  Average mile speed was 25 minutes.

For dinner tonight we all ate light.  Had the news on during dinner and Debbie was amazed at the number of political ads on TV.  She was especially taken back by the number of ads for local offices, something not seen in CA.

After watching a show on BritBox whose name escapes me, we spent time showing Debbie photos on Bob and Nancy’s iPhones.  We each had over 500 photos from 2012 to present.  

We had some great family shots and from our travels.  I was surprised at the quality of the photos taken on the iPhones.

We did not get to bed until midnight.  I did check the courtyard before bed.  It was dark, cold and raining.    

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