Monday, October 3, 2022

October 2, 2022

 Sunday October 2, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.

Oatmeal breakfast.  Read the comics and then headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Another good turnout.  Pastor Bob was sick so we had the second team.

For our after church drive we headed west.  Drove through downtown GR, headed west to Millennium Park and then on to Johnson Park.  Took 28th street home.  Drive time 2 hours.

Today I took a nine mile bike ride followed by a shower and lunch.

Nancy and I took a short walk this afternoon.

After some reading I took a nap before dinner.

According to Apple I averaged last week 2 hours and 30 minutes a day on the iPad.  Too much?

This and that:

The color on the maples is especially vibrant.

The news media, especially the Daily Mail, likes to point out the Presidents mental gaffes.

Trump’s rally in Detroit area was well attended.  I don’t know his attraction because to me he is a big blow hard.

The Ukraine army continues to advance.  Hope Putin does not do anything stupid.

Nancy and I got our absentee ballot on Saturday.  

Tonight Nancy fixed me a poached egg over a waffle.  Also raspberries.

After the dishes Nancy and I took another 0.66 miles walk.  Sunny and cool.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Shetland”.  I put a visit to Shetland on my bucket list.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok.  The weather when we get up tomorrow will be in 30s.  Not unusual for October.

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