Wednesday, October 26, 2022

October 25, 2022

 Tuesday October 25, 2022

Blog is again late:  I am writing blog on Wednesday the 26 sitting in den.

Finally a normal week day morning.

Rode bike to Y.

Spent time at Panera drinking coffee and reading.

At home we continued titavating.  Made several trips to Good Will.

Our trash and recycle bins are now full.  I think I can see the light at the end of they tunnel.

This afternoon we had Clean Sweep stop by and take a lot of heavy junk.  We used the same outfit when we moved from Mackinaw.  His helper today was the Owner’s sister.  Clean Sweep charged a reasonable fee.

For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  After Leo’s we took a short drive.  It just started raining when we arrived at home.

TV tonight was the first episode of Karen Pirie on BritBox.  No opinion.

It was raining when checked Courtyard.  Tomorrow will rainy and mild.  Cold sets in on Wednesday.

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