Sunday, October 30, 2022

October 29, 2022

 Saturday October 29, 2022

Blog time 1700, Sunday, sitting in Den.  Once again a day late.  

Saturday, slept in until 0730.  Dressed, took pills and headed to “The Gathering Place”.  The place was crowded but we were able to get our favorite table.

Nancy had her Western Omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal with a single egg, also raisin toast.  Is this boring or what??

Took a short ride after breakfast.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.  At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a bike ride.  

The temperature for the ride was in mid 40s, perfect.  Today’s ride was 10 miles.  While on the ride I got a call from the Realtor saying she had scheduled a viewing for 1330 on Sunday.

After my shower and shave, I spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for the open house and titavating.  I can’t remember the move from Mackinaw to the Condo in 2014 being this much work. 

Made several trips to Good Will.  I continue to toss old workout clothes and shoes.  Spent time cleaning out the garage.  Things like garden tools, snow shovels, step ladders were sent to Good Will.

We made a special effort getting the house looking good for tomorrow’s showing.  We think it is important to sell Condo before snow flies.

For dinner tonight we headed to Panera for a bowl of soup.  I had the squash bisque.  It was outstanding.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Lucy Lawless’s “My Life is Murder”.  It was very good.

Tonight we FaceTimed with Debbie.  Both Debbie and my sister, Helen, tested negative for Covid today, great news.  Nancy’s sister Peg also called and they had a nice talk.

It was pitch black when checked Courtyard.  Everything as far as I could tell looked ok.

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