Tuesday, November 15, 2022

November 14, 2022

 Monday November 14, 2022

Blog time 1100 on Tuesday sitting at Panera.  Late again.

Monday morning up early, 0645. It was cold 30 but little wind and no snow.  I will ride the bike today.  

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with our old neighbor Sonya.  

No oatmeal at home today.  Must keep the Kitchen spotless.  I bundled up and headed to Y a distance of 5.5 miles.  Despite the cold, the lack of wind made the ride comfortable.

Today at the Y did pull-ups/chin-ups  and short walk before heading to Panera.  Today I got an oatmeal and a bagel.  Nancy arrived just after I finished the oatmeal.  We spent time drinking our coffee and talking.  Nancy left early because she had to pick up Sonya for lunch.

It was 1200 and I was ready to leave but who should walk in but Nancy and Sonya.  Nancy said Panera was Sonya’s choice for lunch.

At home I got a call from the Realtor saying today’s showing was canceled.  Good grief! after the time spent getting the house squared away.

Quick lunch and then started afternoon errands.  

Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

Sheldon Cleaners to get Pea Coat and favorite Fisherman sweater dry cleaned.

At Good Will I left off an old filing cabinet.

Nancy keeps getting a message on her watch saying she is out of storage.  As soon as she got home from lunch we drove to the Apple Store in Woodland Mall.  Monday is the time to visit the store.  It was nearly empty.  A friendly tech looked at Nancy’s watch.  Bottom line the watch is outdated.  She needs a new watch.  

Before leaving Woodland I stopped at J. Crew.  Bought a pair of blue khaki lined pants.  Lined pants are a must for winter.

Since I did not have lunch I had it for dinner.

After the news we watch an episode of “The English” followed by “Doc Martin”.  Both great shows. 

This and that:

Talked to sister, Helen, today.  She is visiting on Friday.

The GOP losing candidates for Governor and Attorney General are running for State GOP party offices.  They are both Trumpers and losers.  If they win the Michigan GOP is dead.

I cannot figure out the economy.  The stock market keeps going up despite bad economic news.

I read sections of the LA Time, Time magazine and New York Times.  They have lost all objectivity.  It looks like the straight white guys are the problem for all the country’s ills.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and it had not started to snow.  We should see snow early tomorrow.  


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