Thursday, November 10, 2022

November 9, 2022

 Wednesday November 9, 2022

Up at 0545.  Today I have Breakfast Club.

Temperature was in mid 50s.  Left home at 0615.  Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.

It was dark, so luckily I had my night vision glasses.  Big help.

We had 19 folks at BC.  A lot of talk about last night election.  Most my table mates are Trump followers.  Boo Hoo.

Bottom line Trump is history.

Our speaker today talked about the World energy and how hydro carbons are moved around the world.

After BC I came straight home.  Put on bike clothes and took an 11 mile ride.

Quick shower and then started gathering up trash and recyclables.  Both containers were full.  I can see the end of our titavating.  

I took more items to Good Will today.

Did two loads of laundry. Before a nap.

As I read more about the Trump endorsed candidates I am not surprised the GOP did so poorly.  The only thing they had going for them was their allegiance to Trump.  Good example was our local candidate for congress.  He did not live in the area until this year.  The only reason he was running was because our local rep Peter Meijer voted to impeach Trump.  Peter Meijer was a good congressman.  Of course the carpet bagger GOP candidate lost handily.

Tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  It was good.  We watched another episode of “My Life is Murder”.  I think we have finished this series.

Checked Courtyard before bed and it was warm and clear.  Tomorrow the temperature will reach 75.

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