Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November 8, 2022

Tuesday November 8

Good grief I lost my finished blog for Nov 8.

I don’t know what happened.  But I am too lazy to reproduce it.

My day was like this:

Up at 0700

Biked to Y, 5 miles

Panera for coffee and a read.

Total bike miles today, 9.5.  

Shaved and showered before lunch.

Today is Election Day.  

Dinner tonight was at Leo’s.  Hot dogs and French fries.

At home we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.  I fell immediately asleep.  Missy’s FaceTime call woke me up.

Checked my iPad for some election results.  Not many surprises.  Glad to see our GOP congressional candidate losing.  We was a puppet of Trump.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The moon was very bright.  Nice weather continues tomorrow.

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