Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 30, 2020

 Friday October 30, 2020

Blog time 1200 sitting in office

I don’t think the opiate pill I took last night was needed.  The pain I had was minor.  Will stick with Tylenol and Motrin.

This morning I got up at 0700.  I promised Nancy that I would not leave the house today.

Nancy drove to Panera and got us coffee.  After breakfast I headed down to the office.  My first order of business was to finish Wednesday and Thursday’s blog.

Nancy ran some errands this morning.  She will now join me inside for the rest of the day.

I did call our Handy Man Randy about our cedar closet light and master bedroom toilet.  He will stop by next week.

Lunch today was as always yogurt, ensure, vanilla pudding and oatmeal cookie.  Within a couple of weeks I should be off this stupid soft food diet.  Will enjoy a piece of hard cheese for lunch.

This and that:

Thankfully the election next Tuesday will end the nasty political ads.  A curse on all politicians.

Recently it seems the Coronavirus is the curse of white folks.

I will stick my neck out.  I predict that former Veep Biden will win in a landslide.  Of course don’t put too much into my predictions because I said the same about Ms Clinton in 2016. I did not vote for Clinton, Biden or Trump (twice).  

Nancy’s sister, Peg Middleton, has been sending some good jokes.  I forward them on to my former work colleagues. They all comment that a good laugh is therapeutic.  Thanks Peg.

After lunch I took a long nap.  I am still in recovery mode.

Today Nancy fixed pea soup with coleslaw for dinner.  Good.

Tonight we watched “The Advocates” on Acorn.  We ended a season.  I gave the show a B-.  I have trouble understanding the Scotch brogue.  Glad I got closed captions.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Checked the front yard and garage at 2200.  It was turning cold.  Temperature will be in 20s by morning.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Thursday October 29, 2020

 Thursday October 29, 2020

Blog time Friday Oct 30 in office.

Thursday I was up with the alarm 0600.  Not allowed any food after 2000 last night, also no alcohol until Friday. 

We have to be at Metro Hospital at 0920.  Left home at 0830 thinking commuter traffic would be heavy.  Not the case.  Arrived at 0900 and sat in car for 15 minutes talking.

Check in and post op procedures were well organized.  Would you expect less from a UM operation.  Talked with Surgeon and Gas Doctor before being wheeled in the operating room at exactly 0950.  Next thing I remember I was being moved to the recovery room.  Operation was about 45 minutes.

We were give detailed post op instructions.  For pain I was to take Motrin and Tylenol alternating pills every three hours.  I was also given a prescription for an opiate if needed.  The Doctor recommended as a minimum I take one before bed tonight.  

Comments on my experience:

I was amazed at how large the Hospital facility was.  The capital investment must have been substantial.  Metro is one of three hospitals in GR.

The ratio of nurses to patient was over 3 to 1.  

Once I decided on the surgery I could pick my date.  I hear horror stories about the NHS in the UK.  Normal wait for an operation like mine would be many months.  

Health care is the big campaign issue but our experience with the health system has been great.  I hope the Dems don’t kill the golden goose.

If you want to bring the cost of health care down we should shoot all folks over 75.  Almost all the folks we saw at the hospital yesterday were seniors.

The staff was obsessed with sanitation.  I was glad.

On a negative note most of the staff were way overweight.

Got home about noon.  I was still groggy but found time for a quick lunch.  Spent the afternoon napping.

Debbie and Missy all FaceTimed us this afternoon wanting know how everything went.  I reported things went well.  I was groggy with minor pain.

Critter report:  

Some stupid Robins are still around.

We saw a large buck and doe in our backyard.  The buck had an impressive rack.

We think the 3 Sand Hill Cranes have finally left for NM.

Dinner tonight was Tomato soup with cottage cheese.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Babylon Berlin.  I took an opiate pill before turning in.

It was sprinkling when checked the front yard at 2200. 

October 28, 2020

 Wednesday October 28, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Today is my easy Wednesday.

We slept in until 0700 this morning.  Nancy headed out first thing for her 3 mile walk.  

I dressed and drove to Panera’s drive thru.  Purchased two coffees and a bagel.  At home I had my oatmeal breakfast.

After breakfast I drove to Metro’s Healths Lab.  This morning I had my last post op test.  Total time in lab was 10 minutes.

At home I headed down to the office.  Completed yesterday’s blog and read the papers.

At noon I took a 2 mile walk.  Beautiful day for a walk with temps in mid 40s and bright sun.  Perfect fall day.

Lunch, then accomplished my normal Wednesday chores. Laundry, trash and recyclables before heading down to office.   

Spent the rest of the afternoon reading. 

For dinner we had Cheerios with cottage cheese and croissants.

After dinner I shaved and showered.  Metro Hospital said I had to shower the evening before the operation and tomorrow morning I also must shower.  Must use a good soap.  Ivory was approved.  No after showers lotions.

In keeping with our pledge to not watch the national news until after the election, we switched immediately after dinner to Acorn.  Watched an episode of Mystery Road on Acorn.  I give it an A- and Nancy a B-. 

It was sprinkling with temps in high 30s when checked front yard at 2200.  

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

October 27, 2020

 Tuesday October 27, 2020

Blog time 1218 sitting in office.

This morning we slept in until almost 0730.  The lateness must be caused by the late sunrise, 0811.  Next week it will be 0711 and that should help get us up.

Temperature was in mid 30s and misting but Nancy headed out on a 3 mile walk.  When she got home she said she regretted not wearing gloves.

This morning I did the calisthenics at 75%.  Tapering off before Thursday’s surgery.  Shaved and showered before breakfast.

Nancy drove to Panera to get us coffee.  I enjoyed the coffee with my oatmeal.

It is now 1230 and it is still raining with temperature at 38.  My weather app said it will rain most of the afternoon.  So maybe no bike ride today.  I will try to get a 30 minute walk in about 1700.

Lunch  and then headed back downstairs for more reading.  

This and that from news:

Amy Barrett was confirmed last night.  She is now Justice Barrett.  Media and Dems had a hissy fit.

Big news from UK.  Environmentalists are proposing more plant based food.  Their big scheme is to rotate crops.  After harvesting plants for consumption from a field they are proposing just growing a cover crop and allowing sheep to eat and fertilize the next year.  The following year the field will grow food for consumption.  What is the big news about this!  For years my Grandfather practiced Crop Rotation.  Good grief!

President Macron of France has taken actions against Muslim extremist after the beheading of a teacher who was lecturing on free speech.  Macron has taken heat from Muslim countries.  Glad to see Macron standing up for Free Speech.  Took balls.

Another sad victim of the Coronavirus.  The EU has closed all Christmas Markets.  Nancy and I have visited the outdoor Christmas markets in Berlin and Munich.  A great way to spend an afternoon.  

Lunch today at 1330.  Yogurt, white bread with peanut butter and vanilla pudding.  I will be glad to get off this soft food diet in a couple of weeks.

It is now 1530 and still raining but I will put on rain gear and take a walk.  I have to get my 30 minutes in today.

The rain had stopped when I started my walk.  Walked two miles.

At home I got a call for Metro Health Hospital about Thursday’s surgery.  The surgery will start at 1050 and last about 90 minutes.  Nancy will drive me home.

No major dietary restrictions except no alcohol 48 hours before surgery. So I have begun my ACOD.

Missy called this afternoon.  Apparently LA is expecting some riots after the elections.  Her neighborhood association wanted to know if she wanted the windows in her store boarded up.  This is the USA?

Later this afternoon Granddaughter Alessandra FaceTimed us.  She was taking a break from virtual learning.  It has to be tough on kids not being able to be in a classroom with other kids.  Northern Michigan schools are full time with no apparent problems. 

For dinner I had a bowl of Nancy’s world famous home made chili.  Very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of Whitechapel.  I stayed up and watched episode 1of a Danish political drama “Bergen”.  The jury is still out.

It was still dark and gloomy when went out at 2200.  I scared a small critter when I turned my flashlight on.  He panicked and knocked over a flower pot making his escape.

Finally sun predicted for tomorrow. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

October 26, 2020

 Monday October 26, 2020

Blog time 1100 sitting in office.

I set the alarm for 0600.  Today I have to have an EKG post op test. 

I did all my calisthenics followed by a shower.  When I headed out at 0715 it was pitch black and sprinkling.  Temperature was in mid 30s.  

I thought I would get caught up in early morning traffic but that was not the case.  Arrived early, 0730, so I pulled up my iPad and read the morning news.  The Doctor’s office has a strong internet so I was able to get online while sitting in car.

No waiting when I walked in at 0800.  The actual test took less than a minute.  On my way home I stopped at Panera’s Drive Thru and bought Nancy and I a coffee.  

Nancy was still out walking when I got home.  I had my normal oatmeal breakfast.

Today Nancy walked 3 miles.  This afternoon she has to go to Costco to pick up a prescription.  The rest of the day she will be be confined at home.  

Spent the morning in office reading and finishing blogs.  At noon I bundled up and headed out for a bike ride.  It was 38 with a light mist.  Today I took my weekday 10.5 mile route.  Most of the leaves are gone making it easy to see into the woods along the route.  Saw no critters today.

At home I put on comfy clothes and settled down to being indoors all day.  Lunch followed by more reading time.

This and that:

Coronavirus still dominates the news.  The drop in the stock market is blamed on the surge in new cases.  

The EU is also having a real problem with the Coronavirus.  EU and UK are not any better than the USA in handling this problem.

Weather is the 2nd major news stories.  Wildfires in the west, record cold and snow in Midwest,  and tropical storms in South. Good grief all this bad news will make a person turn to drink.

Bob and Nancy don’t watch main steam news because of all the political ads.  Netflix/Acorn/Prime provide most of our viewing hours.  

The first Presidential campaign I followed was the 1948 race between Democrat Harry Truman and Republican Tom Dewey.  Dewey was popular in Mi because he grew up in Owosso, Mi and was a graduate of the UM.   

The polls showed Dewey to have a comfortable lead.  Surprise! Truman won.

Speaking of Owosso when the city government switched to the City Manager form of local Government my Dad’s cousin Neil Jackson was selected as the first manager.  Neil served until he retired.  Neil Jackson, my Uncle Jim Scott and my Dad were all Civil Engineers who attended MSU.

On the subject of City Managers my Dad was CM of Alpena in the mid 40s. Many small town managers were Civil Engineers.

This afternoon I took a long nap.  Nancy looked in several times and said I was sleeping soundly.

We had our standard Monday night dinner.  Cheerios with croissant and vanilla pudding.

We did not even watch Jeopardy but at 1900 switched to Prime and watched an episode of Wycliffe.  Good story.

I stayed up and watched the final episode of the Polish show “The Woods”.  In the past two nights I have finished two Polish Crime shows.  They both were dark and gloomy.

It was pitch black, 35 and misty when I checked the front yard at 2200.  More rain for tomorrow.

Monday, October 26, 2020

October 25, 2020

 Sunday October 25, 2020

Blog time 1717 sitting in office

Typical weekend morning we both slept in until 0730.  I quickly got dressed and headed to Panera.  Took the Drive Thru and bought coffee, hazelnut for Nancy and light roast for me.  Also bought myself a blueberry bagel.  

Fixed oatmeal with plain yogurt topping.  Also had a banana with my coffee.  

Read several sections of the GRP before bringing up my iPad so we could watch the live stream service from Trinity Lutheran. Today was Reformation Sunday.  Today was also the first time in 8 months that members were allowed inside the church.  About 50 folks attended.  The rest of us watched the service virtually.  Ten months ago I did not know what virtual meant.

After church Nancy bundled up and headed out for a walk.  She walked over 3 miles.  

At 1130 I took a 9 mile bike ride.  It was cold 39 but with little wind the ride was pleasant.  No critters on the ride but this afternoon our 3 neighborhood Sand Hill Cranes were strolling in the back yard.

I had a light lunch.  Followed lunch with a nap.

For several days the bike riding app on my iWatch has been recording my mileage wrong.  I could not determine the reason for this discrepancy.  So when all else fails I turned my watch off.  

Several hours later I tried to turn the watch on.  No luck I punched all the buttons.  I even went to YouTube and found a video on how to turn the watch on.  Apparently this is a common problem with the iWatch.  Nothing worked. 

I left the iWatch on my desk and when I checked an hour later the watch was on.  Go figure.  I will test how it registers miles on tomorrow’s ride.

Both UM and Lions won this weekend.  I did not watch.  I get tired of being lectured to by jocks.  

The GRP had an interesting article on slavery yesterday.  A black reporter with some downtime hours because of the Coronavirus did some research on his family.  The results surprised me.  He found that his ancestors were indeed slaves.  He even found the name of the person who owned them.  They were Native Americans.  I did not know that Native Americans were slave owners.

Speaking of Native Americans my Granddaughter Akerke was born in Kazakhstan.  Missy had her DNA done several years ago.  The DNA as you would expect has Han Chinese, Kazak, Russian and surprise American Indian.  She has much more Native American Ancestry than Senator Warren.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie.

We stared to watch 60 Minutes and found the major stories were interviews with the Presidential Candidates.  Like most citizens we have had enough of the Presidential candidates.  In a country of over 300 million this is the best we can do.  Two draft dodging old men with suspect mental capacity.

Tonight we watched an episode of Mystery Road.  I stayed up and watched another Polish Crime show on Netflix, The Mire.

Pitch black with sprinkles when made my front yard check at 2200.  Temperature will fall the mid 30s tonight.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

October 24, 2020

 Saturday October 24, 2020

Blog time 1640 sitting in office.  Nancy is also in office cleaning her desk.  Things we get done when quarantined.

This morning slept in until 0700.  We decided that a walk was appropriate.  Dressed and headed out at 0745.  It was cold, 32 and dark.  Sunrise today is 0808.  I will be glad when we switch to EST next week.  Walked 1.3 miles and never encountered a soul.

We needed some supplies to carry us over to next Thursday.  I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  The store was empty.  I was in and out in 10 minutes.  Stopped at the Panera Drive Thru on way home.  Got coffee for Nancy and Bob.

Oatmeal breakfast and then headed down stairs for some reading.  Bad news! AHS has not won a football game this season. 

At 1130 I put on warm bike clothes and headed out on an 11 mile ride.  Just getting started when 5 deer ran across the road. Made my day.  Encountered many bikers out taking advantage of the bright sun.

At home shaved and showered and put on comfortable cords before lunch.  

This and that:

Debbie and Alessandra tried a three way FaceTime visit with Nancy.  Could not get any video.  Finally determined Nancy’s phone was too old.  Tried using my iPhone and it worked.  Nancy, Debbie and Alessandra had a nice talk.

Family Peonies: 

My Great Grandfather James Lee Sanborn was born in Sanborn, NY in 1856.  His wife Harriet Loretta Roberts was born in 1857 also in NY.  They married in 1879.

Great Grandmother Sanborn brought with her several Peony bulbs when she and GGF moved to Ossineke, Mi in the early1880s.  The bulbs had been in the Robert’s family for years.

My Grandmother, born Florence Sanborn, married Robert Rayburn Scott and they settled in Hubbard Lake, MI.  She brought several Peony bulbs with her.  Grandmother Scott was known for her pretty Peonies.

My Dad, Robert Sanborn Scott, dug up several of the bulbs at Hubbard Lake and planted them at his office, Scott Engineering, in Alpena.  The plants thrived.

Several years ago my Sister, Helen, dug up the bulbs at the office and moved them to her home in Gaylord.  The bulbs survived except for one bulb.  Her husband Don had a party with his buddies and they used the Destroyed bulb as an urinal.

Helen thinks the Peonies have survived for over 175 years.  Helen will pass the bulbs down to her son Jason who has a green thumb.

1500 I took a short 0.8 mile walk.  Spent the rest of the afternoon in the office writing blogs and reading.

For dinner we had meatballs with mashed potatoes.  Very good.  

This evening we watched a movie on Netflix.  It was called “Agatha and the Truth of Murder”.  I gave it an A but Nancy only a B.  

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  We all reported everything is fine.

It was cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to near freezing this evening.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

October 23, 2020

 Friday October 23, 2020

Blog time noon sitting in office.

Forgot to set the alarm last night.  I got up at 0700.  Because we are quarantined, no MVP or Y today.

Nancy headed out before 0800 to her heart Doctor.  She is having a stress test today.  

I did the calisthenics.  Had planned on going for a bike ride but it was pouring rain so I showered and fixed breakfast.  I drove to Panera and quickly ran in and bought a coffee and croissant to take home.  I wore my mask so think this action is permitted.

Speaking of quarantine when in Vietnam enlisted men were confined to quarters for a week before going back to the States. The GI’s called it PCOD. It was not popular.

I got a call from Dr Kutsche telling me that my EKG is scheduled for Monday at 0800. After the EKG I think I have to take one more test before surgery.  I take it the day before.

Kim is now cleaning upstairs.  As soon as she headed downstairs Nancy and I are taking a short car trip.

This and that:

On this weekend in 1955 the AHS Wildcats travelled to Atwood Stadium in Flint, Mi to play Flint Central.  Flint Central was a highly rated team.  Over 4,000 folks at the game and most of them Alpena fans.  A lot of former Alpena residents had moved to Flint to work in the GM plants.  It was a hard fought games.  Alpena tied the game with less than a minute left.  Unfortunately we missed the extra point but most of the players were glad with tie.  I played the whole game and can still remember some important plays and players.   Old memories never die!  What did I have for breakfast?

One of Flint Central’s players was Don Riegle.  Mr Riegle was a three term Senator from Mi.  

Nancy just asked me what I wanted for dinner.  I told her it was Friday so I would have the Cod.  For my Catholic friends Friday was meatless.  We were not catholic but we usually had fish on Friday.  My mother often asked me to stop at the local fish market along the river and get a white fish for dinner.  It had been caught earlier in the day.  Love white fish.

Tommy Collings would get mad when we were at Jim and Ann’s getting a great hamburger.  We alway reminded him it was Friday.  Not nice.

I cannot get over the great clarity of the NASA’s photos from the asteroid Bennu.  They were taken 200 million miles from earth.

Nancy just got the results of her stress test.  Everything is normal.

About 1130 we headed out and a short car trip.  Today we headed east on M21(Fulton St).  We passed through Ada, Lowell and Ionia.  The colors were still great.  It rained the entire trip.  Our car trips are about 2 hours in length.

It was raining and 66 when we first got up.  It is now 1500.  Still raining but temp has dropped to 55.  Will drop to low 30s by tomorrow morning.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  Finished the afternoon today with a 1.4 mile walk.  It took 31 minutes so I got my 30 in today.

As mentioned earlier I had cod for dinner.  Also string beans, cottage cheese and part of a scone.  Very good.

Debbie called us at 1900.  She wanted to know how Nancy’s stress test went.  Nancy  gave a positive report.

Tonight we watched “Mystery Road” on Acorn.  It is getting good.  I stayed up and watched a Polish Crime show on Netflix “Signs”.  Kind of gloomy.

Speaking of Gloomy, it was very dark when checked the front yard at 2200.  The wind was blowing the leaves around.  Spooky.

Friday, October 23, 2020

October 22, 2020

 Thursday October 22, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up with the 0630 alarm.  Nancy headed out immediately so she can get a lane at the pool.

It rained hard all night.  Rain should end at noon.

This morning I have to get a Covid test.  It is needed before my surgery next week.

I did all the calisthenics and then shaved and showered before breakfast.  Headed to Metro Health on Cascade Road to get my test.  I thought I would have to wait a long time.  Surprise I was out in 30 minutes.

After the test I drove to Panera for my morning coffee and read.

This and that:

I have not watched any sports since February.  I do know the Dodgers are in the World Series but who cares!

I am getting tired listening to all the medical experts pontificating about the long term impact of the Coronavirus.  Who really knows?

In my youth at this time of year home owners would rake their leaves into the street‘s gutters.  The City would pick them up.  Being kids we would drive our bikes through the piles scattering leaves everywhere.  Mr Bertrand, a grouchy old man, got mad and put a concrete block in his pile.  Tommy Collins hit the block and went over his handle bars.  He was not hurt but I really think Mr Bertrand regretted his actions.  I think I told this story last year, sorry.

Some folks would rake the leaves into a pile and burn them.  They thought the smell of burning leaves was great.  We would put chestnuts into the fire and they would explode.  Of course burning leaves is now banned.  The Environmentalists ruin everything.

Right now I am listening to a Hank Williams CD.  Great music.

Will the EU and UK ever reach a BRexit Agreement?  Of course we have the same problem with the stimulus package.  Who ever said democracy was efficient!

At home I had a quick lunch. Nancy wonders why I don’t get tired of the same menu everyday for lunch.  I like it because it is healthy and simple.  Simple is good.

Received a call from Ada Bike saying my Cannondale Bad Boy was fixed.  Put on bike clothes and Nancy drove me to Ada.  Picked up the bike and pedaled home.  Great fall day for a bike ride.  The path was full of colorful leaves.

No nap or walk today.  For dinner we finished the leftovers in the refrigerator.  I had a bowl of butter squash bisque, coleslaw and scone.  Good!

Tonight we did not watch the debate.  We have already voted.

Watched an episode of “Call the Midwifes”.  Great show, well written.

Tonight Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us.  Told them that because I had my Coronavirus test today we are quartered until after my surgery.  Of course we can go out for necessary trips to buy groceries, etc.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

October 21, 2020

 Wednesday October 21

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with alarm at 0630.  Today I have Breakfast Club which starts at 0730. Today is also easy Wednesday so I did the calisthenics at 50%.

Nancy headed out early for two classes at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Today’s Speaker talked about a new court for Veterans who run afoul of the law.  The speaker got off track so my mind wandered.  Of course my mind wanders all the time.

After BC I got on the Bianchi and headed to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Sunny and mild.  Read hometown paper and checked emails before finishing yesterday’s blog.  

Left Panera at 1130.  Took a 6.8 mile route home arriving at 1230.  

Gathered up trash and started a load of laundry before lunch.  Lunch today, as always, was yogurt, bottle of ensure, vanilla pudding and today I added a banana.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  Finished the afternoon with a 1.25 mile walk.  

This and that:  

Less than 2 weeks before the election.  I swear when watching the local news that political ads take up more time than the actual news.  TV stations must be making a mint with all the ads.

Most of the legislators in Washington are career politicians.  I have changed my mind on term limits.  I now favor term limits.

Peak fall colors have passed.  Noted a lot of bare trees.

I always thought the UK was devoid of wildlife.  Since reading the UK papers and looking at photos I am surprised at the abundance of animals, especially members of the deer family.  Anyone with an Apple iPad or computer that has the N app should look at the The Telegraph’s photos of the day.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We said Bob and Nancy continue sheltering in place.

After Jeopardy we watched Wycliffe on Prime.  I stayed up and watched episode 1 of season 2 of my favorite Polish Police show.

It was raining and mild, 47 when checked the front yard at 2200. The weather folks say it should rain all night and most of tomorrow.   

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

October 20, 2020

 Tuesday October 20, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Shut alarm off at 0630.  This morning Nancy is swimming at MVP.

I do calisthenics before breakfast.  Temperature was 38 so I dressed accordingly.  Today I biked 10.5 miles ending up at home.  No critters or other bikers were encountered.

I have a 1300 appointment with the Oral Surgeon.  I showered, dressed and drove to Panera.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started reading today’s news.  

Left Panera at 1200 and headed home for quick lunch.  I made it to the Dentist’s office just in time for my 1300 appointment.

The Oral Surgeon removed my temporary denture to check on how things are healing.  It said it looked great.  

They took more impressions, X-rays and made a 3D image of my upper jaw.  I will get my permanent denture in a month.  The whole process today took 90 minutes.

On way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.  Also stopped at ACE Hardware and bought a replacement Electrical fixture for the Cedar Closet.  Big question now is can I install it myself.  Stay turned.

At home spent an hour paying bills.  Ended the afternoon with a walk to the mailbox.  One mile.

For dinner we had Butternut Squash Bisque.  It was very good.  Also cottage cheese and Nancy’s great homemade apple sauce.

Following the news and Jeopardy we switched to Apple TV.  Together we watched The Advocates.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the last episode of the Polish mystery, The Woods.  

It was raining and 52 when checked outside at 2200.  Temps will only drop to high 40s this evening.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October 19, 2020

Monday October 19, 2020

 Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with 0630 alarm.  No MVP for Nancy today she has a 0900 dentist appointment.  I check the temperature and it was a chilly 36. Sunrise today 0759.  

I did my total exercise routine before my oatmeal breakfast.  Dressed warm, put my IPad in the backpack and pedaled 8 miles making Panera my first stop.  No Y today.

After getting coffee and croissant I read the Alpena News and checked emails.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

This and that:

Supreme Court will take up Border Wall construction.  I think the wall is stupid.

The UK, EU, and USA are struggling to contain the Coronavirus.   China seems to have it under control with photos showing folks partying without masks.

Massive Chinese fishing fleet is working near the Galapagos.  They turn off tracing devices and might be fishing over the 200 mile limit.  The Ecuadorian Government is worried.  They asked the USA Coast Guard for assistance.  A USCG ship was dispatched but all they could do is watch because the Chinese ship remained over the 200 mile limit when being watched.

Are the small Militia group really a threat?  Or just immature men playing guns?

Work at home folks are moving to small towns.  What happens when called back to office?

China, Cuba and Russia are now members of the UN Human Rights Council.  Three countries that trample out Human Rights.  Where is the outcry from Democracies?

Left for home at noon.  This afternoon Jacobson’s H&C is coming to perform a maintenance check on our furnace.  Expected time between 1300 and 1600.

At home Nancy gave me an update on her dental work.  Two temporary crowns.  Permanent crowns next week.

Nancy also called her heart doctor and has an appointment next Monday.  She will be give a stress test.

Quick shower. I was preparing lunch and noted I was out of yogurt.  Made quick trip to Meijer’s for yogurt.

After lunch I headed downstairs and spent most of the afternoon reading the news.  

Jacobson’s Maintenance Man arrived at 1600.  He checked out the furnace and installed new filters.  We should be set for winter.

Ended the afternoon with a short walk.  Light dinner tonight of Cheerios and croissant.  Had pumpkin pie for dessert.

Watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Acorn.  Watched a Dark show about attorneys in Edinburgh.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Netflix’s “The Woods” a crime show filmed in Poland.  The English subtitles are sometimes out of sync.  The show was written by Harlan Coben.

Every thing was ok when checked front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to high 30s this evening. 


Monday, October 19, 2020

October 18, 2020

 Sunday October 18, 2020

Blog time 1330 sitting in living room.

Both up at 0700.  No walk today for Nancy, she is experiencing some chest pain.  I dress and head to Panera to get us both a coffee.  I got myself a croissant.

At home fixed oatmeal.  Also had my croissant and a banana.

Set up my iPad in the living room and today we watched the 0915 streaming service from Trinity Lutheran.  Today’s homily was appropriate given todays nasty political climate.

Speaking of Homilies today my sister, Helen,  is giving the homily at her church in Gaylord.  She sent me a link.

After church I headed to Meijer’s.  Purchased some supplies.  The store was not crowded.

At home I took the deck furniture downstairs.  Also hung up suet for the birds. 

We had off and on rain all day today.  Dark and gloomy.  

You would think the Sand Hill Cranes would be south by now.  However, we have three Cranes living in our back yard.  We see them marching single file by our window daily.  Majestic birds.

Our neighbors who live in the other condo in our building have left for warmer climes.  They travel a lot and I think they lived less than a month in GR this summer.

Good Grief! will the attack political ads never end.  Thankfully in two weeks it will all be over.  

I hope our citizens realize we live in a democracy where the Majority rules.  We should accept the election results.

It being Sunday I took an afternoon nap.  Finished the afternoon with a 1.7 miles walk in a light drizzle. Avg time per mile 25’.

Tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie and part of a scone.  

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by Schitt’s Creek.  The show gets rave reviews but I don’t get it.

In the late 40s following dinner the SCOTT family would sit down by the radio and listen to Jack Benny show.  My parents really liked this comedy. 

Another radio show we listened to was “The Shadow”.  It was on a 4PM and sponsored by Oh Henry candy bars.  Radio was fun.

Talked to Debbie and Missy this evening.  It was cold and still misting when checked the front yard at 2200.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

October 17, 2020

 Saturday October 17, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  The temperature was 30.

Put on our warm clothes and walked to Panera.  Frost covered the ground. Kind of pretty.  The color on the Maples is spectacular.

Nancy only had coffee but I had coffee, oatmeal and a croissant.  Panera was not crowded.  Only a few Saturday morning regulars.

Spent an hour drinking coffee and talking.  We walked home into bright sunshine.

Nancy started the laundry.  I headed out on a 10.5 mile bike ride.  You know you are old when the route you select has the fewest hills.

A home on Cascade Road is getting their driveway replaced.  The contractor had remove all the bituminous surface over the bike trail.  They had no traffic cones or barricades up.  Of course I lost control and took a tumble.  No harm done but I was mad.

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Dressed and hopped in the Fusion and drove to the place where I took a tumble.  Took some photos and as soon as I got home I sent the Township several emails.  I sure hope they get after the homeowner.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to our favorite Persian restaurant, Shiraz.  I will have their lamb shank dinner.

Spent most of the afternoon in office reading.  From the Alpena News I found out, my high school still has not won a football game this season.  Most of northern MI had snow this week.

At 1730 we drove to Shiraz.  Good thing we had reservations because with social distancing more than half the tables were off limits.

We both had a glass of wine before dinner.  The lamb shank dinner was excellent.  Nancy had the pomegranate chicken and she said “boy was it good”.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She asked about our health and we gave a positive report.  It is hot in San Jose.

This evening we watched two episodes of “The Gulf” on Prime.  We finished season 1.  Gave the show a B+.

Every evening I expect to see a deer when I make my 2200 front yard check.  Haven’t seen one in a least 6 weeks. 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

October 16, 2020

 Friday October 16, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Alarm gets us up at 0630.  I check the temperature and it was 32.  First frost of the fall.

Nancy headed out early for her two classes at MVP.  Once again no Y today, did my entire exercise at home.  Breakfast and then bundled up and headed out on my 8.5 mile ride.  At home I grabbed my backpack and headed to Panera.  Will shower later.

This and that:

The Coronavirus is causing more poverty.  This is to be expected with hotels and restaurants seeing their businesses tanking.  No need for low wages workers.  Federal aid is needed for these workers.

Thailand’s King is under attack by pro democracy advocates.

Amy Barrett came across as a classy lady.

The UK’s paper The Telegraph savaged last night’ performance by both candidates.  NBC’s Guthrie was accused of being biased.  Biden’s performance was criticized because of his confusing answers.

Left Panera for home at 1200. It was raining and windy.  The temperature was 52, 20 degrees warmer than at 0800. Got home from Panera at 1230.  Showered and then lunch followed by errands.

Dropped our ballots off at Cascade Twp. My 100% voting record is intact.

 Next stop was the Cleaner Place.  Dropped off 5 shirts to be cleaned.

Also stopped at UM Metro Health to inquire about getting my coronavirus test next Thursday.  I was told no problem. No appointment needed.

This afternoon I watched a 1940s Looney Tunes cartoons.  YouTube has many Looney Tune cartoons.  Love Looney Tunes, I subscripted to their comic book.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed some home made chili.  Very good.  Also had coleslaw and a scone.

Watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Prime.  Tonight we watched two episodes of Whitechapel.  

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  LA is sweltering and GR has frost warnings up.  

The temperature had already dropped to 40 when I checked outside at 2200.  Will need my electric blanket tonight.

Friday, October 16, 2020

October 15, 2020

 Thursday October 15, 2020

Up with 0630 alarm.  Nancy headed to her Thursday swim.  Today I did my entire exercise at home.  No Y today.

The temperature was in 50s but the wind was fierce, 20 mph.  

I rode my normal route, backwards, so I could have the wind at my back most of the way.  It is much easier.

Shaved and showered and then biked to Panera.  Still dark and gloomy.  Ordered coffee and croissant before starting my morning read.  I enjoy my reading time, a luxury of retirement.

Forest Hills Schools must be open.  I passed several locations where kids were waiting for buses.  Parents drove them to the stop and were waiting until the bus picked them up.   Helicopter parents?  As a youth I lived within walking distance of school. I don’t think the school system owned a bus.

The USA is so wrapped up in the election and coronavirus that they neglect some important world news.

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is heating up and could expand beyond it regional boundaries.  Turkey is backing Azerbaijan and Russia is backing Armenia.  Neither country is on friendly terms with the USA.

What is happening with the BRexit negotiations?  Europe like the USA is distracted with their own coronavirus resurgence.

China is using the EU and USA’s distractions to expand its powers.  China will be a big problem for our next President.  Are either candidates up to it?

Lunch and then I ran some errands.  

Last year I bought a speedometer for my Bianchi.  I don’t like it.  I packaged it up.  Drove to D&W to mail to Steve.  Maybe he can put it on one of his kid’s bike. 

While at D&W I bought more sugar free vanilla pudding.  I eat about three cups a day.  

Spent time in my office reading WSJ.  1700 I fell asleep reading so decided to take a snooze.  Fell asleep in my recliner in the den.  Sound sleep for 30 minutes.  I have my deepest sleep in a chair.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pasta dish along with string beans.  For dessert I had a piece of my Sister’s apple pie.  Very good.

Watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Prime.  Tonight we watched an episode of Whitechapel.  We give the show a B.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive health report.

The temperature had already dropped to low 40s when checked outside at 2200.  It might freeze tonight.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

October 14, 2020

 Wednesday October 14, 2020

Because the sun does not come up until 0800 we need an alarm to help us get up.  0630 is our default time.

Nancy headed out for her two classes at MVP.  Today I have to get my blood and urine tested.  I have been fasting since 1900 last night.

I did my total routine at 50% before heading to the Doctor’s office.  I was lucky no wait.

After the doctor I drove to Panera for an oatmeal, coffee and croissant breakfast.  I had a chance to check email and finish yesterday’s blog.

Today is easy Wednesday.  Laundry, trash and recyclables are on my agenda.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

At 1130 I started out on a 7.75 mile bike ride.  Noted more and more leaves on bike trail.  Soon will have bare trees.  Bummer.

At home, showered and started my Wednesday chores.  Found time for my normal lunch of yogurt, bread w/peanut butter, bottle on Ensure and a vanilla pudding.  Sound good?

This and that:

Senator Romney talked about the sorry state of politics.  I agree.  We need more politicians like Romney.

Why does the GOP allow a QAnon believer on the ballot?  What they believe in is downright stupid.

Lately I have been having flash back to the 60s.  In Oct of 1960 I was finishing up at UM and started interviewing for a job.  The first question asked was my draft status.  I told the interviewer that I was 1A.  Interviewer lost interest.

One year later, Oct 1961, Ensign Scott was attending the Navy’s Civil Engineering Corps school at Port Hueme, Ca.

Oct 1962 I was stationed on Midway Island.

Oct 1963 and 1964 I was stationed in Vietnam.

Oct 1965 and 1966 Nancy and I were married and living in Redwood City, Ca.

Oct 1967 I was in Grad school at UM.

Oct 1968-1969 we were living in Grand Rapids with two beautiful girls.

We are so tired of all the political ads on TV.

Found time this afternoon for a nap followed by a mile walk.

Nancy said the Garden was not busy this afternoon.

The real impact of the Coronavirus is now beginning to sink in to most folks.  It is not nice.

We had our usual Wednesday night dinner followed by the news.

Tonight we watched Vexed on Netflix.  

Light rain when I checked the yard at 2200.  Low tonight will be 50.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 13, 2020

 Tuesday October 13, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

The alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy put on her swim suit and headed out.  It was cold this morning 41. I will wear my lined pants and winter bike jacket when I bike to the Y.

Chin-ups and sit-ups this morning before breakfast.  Breakfast was oatmeal with yogurt topping and a banana.

The sun was just peaking over the horizon when headed out at 0800.  The sun was low enough in the sky to make riding East difficult.

At the Y I did my calisthenics and walk before showering.  The Y no longer provides towels so I had to bring my own.  Headed straight to Panera after leaving the Y.  The temperature was now 51 degrees.

Coffee and two croissants at Panera.  Since I have been on the soft food diet I have become hooked on croissants

This and that;

Will we experience a coronavirus surge this winter? Many experts are worried but agree a total lock down will not work.  Wear your masks folks.

Recent reports say there has been a recent surge in returned mail in ballots.  Experts predict a record turnout. Good a record turnout is what a democratic government should have.  Everyone participating.

Supreme Court nominee Barrett seems to be holding her own.  I am impressed.

We have been receiving some very nasty political ads in the mail.  Most have been sent from organizations I have never heard of.

Got home at 1230 and after a quick lunch we drove to the Tanger’s Discount Mall.  I was surprised to see Brook Brothers open.  They must have solved their money problems.  The Manger said they were closed for 6 months.  Opened several days ago.

Nancy purchased an item at Talbots’s.  I came home empty handed.

Today being the 13th I had to buy a lottery ticket.  We stopped at D&W.  I hope I am as lucky as I was in 1956 when I won a jeep in a lottery with ticket #13.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  For dinner I had several tamales and Nancy had mac and cheese.

After the dishes I took a short walk.  Needed the walk to close my iPhone circles.

Watched news until when we switched to Jeopardy.  Surprise! a football game was on.  Football on Tuesday?

We watched several shows on Acorn.  The name of the shows escapes me.

When checking the front yard at 2200 a deer ran across Tahoe. Made my day.  Temperature down to 30s tonight.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

October 12, 2020

 Monday October 12, 2020

The alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy immediately headed out for her early classes at MVP.  At 1100 she has an appointment with her Oral Surgeon about another tooth acting up.

I did my chin-ups and push-ups before breakfast.  This morning the temp was mild so I dressed accordingly.  The sun does not come up until 0756 so when I left a 0800 it was dark and gloomy.

The recents winds have taken down a lot of leaves.  Once again the Y was not crowded.  Mostly men.  Completed my routine and headed home.  Showered and shaved.

Today I have a 1300 doctor’s appointment.  It is a post op physical to get clearance for my Oct 29 surgery.  No time for the bike so I drove to Panera.

Read my emails, worked on my blog before leaving at 1230.  Dr Kutsche gave me a complete physical.  I am ok.  He also gave me a order for some blood work on Wednesday.

Stopped at Meijer’s for gas on way home.  Gas today was $1.97.

Nancy reported that she had another root canal today.  She will get a permanent cap some time next week.  This summer Bob and Nancy has helped the dental profession survive the Coronavirus.

Lunch and then spent several hours cleaning my desk.  I must have pitched 20 pounds of paper that had accumulated in my baskets.  I have totally rearranged my desk.  Moved the TV from the bedroom to my desk.  

No nap or walk this afternoon.  Monday night so I had my Cheerios.  Also a scone.

I have changed my evening viewing schedule.  No longer watch NBC national news.  Use this time for grooming.  We watch Shepard Smith on CNBC at 1900 for 30’ before switching to Jeopardy.  2000 we turn on Apple TV.  Tonight we watched The Gulf followed by The Sound.  

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She said AJ really liked her zip lining adventure on Sunday.  I mentioned the movie Enola Holmes that Nancy and I liked.  AJ had already seen it.  She also gave it good marks.

It was a cold 50 when I checked the front yard at 2200.  The heavy rain we had earlier had stopped. Temperature will drop to low 40s this evening.

Monday, October 12, 2020

October 11, 2020

 Sunday October 11, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  Nancy headed out on a 3 mile walk.  I dressed and drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.  I also got a croissant for me.

After breakfast I set up my iPad in the living room.  Today we will watch Trinity  Lutheran’s streaming church service starting at 0915.  

NOT!  I could not get today’s service on YouTube.  Bummer.  I think the problems is with the Church’s system.

Instead of church we took a color tour of northern Kent and southern Montcalm Counties.  We drove in bright sunshine.  

Both Nancy and I agree that we hit peak fall colors.  Absolutely beautiful ride.  Drove through the small towns of Howard City, Sand Lake, Cedar Springs and Rockford.  Fall in MI is great.

This and that:

I did check the headlines today but found nothing I want to comment on.  Most folks we know are taking a break from current events.

Nancy taught me to proofread everything I write before sending. She is right.  I always find several errors.  Maybe POTUS should listen to Nancy.

I forgot to mention in a previous blog that we have picked out a slate flooring for our kitchen and hall.  Installation will be done in late November or December.

I was recently asked what was my most valuable class in High School. 10 years ago I would have said a math or science class.  However, presently the most valuable class for me was typing.  I spend about 8 hours a week typing.  My handwriting has deteriorated to the point I have difficulty signing my name.  

If Amy Barrett is confirmed for the Supreme Court the majority of members will be Catholics.  My! how times have changed.  A lot of talk about JFK when he ran for President in 1960 that he would be our first Catholic president.  All previous Presidents were Masons.  

Family legend has it that the Hughes family, devout Protestants, were living in Wales and when Protestant Oliver Cromwell was recruiting an army to invade Ireland the Hughes men signed on as mercenaries about 1649.  After Cromwell defeated the Irish the Hughes stayed in Ireland settling near Gorey in County Wexford.  After the Irish Catholics started attaching Protestants the Hughes family moved to Canada in 1800s.

Lunch and then finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

At 1400 took a 2 mile walk.  My only exercise for the day.

Took a nap today.  For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a scone and some freshly made apple sauce.  The apple sauce was great.

Tonight 60 Minutes was delayed because of the NFL game.  We did finally watch it.  Debbie called tonight.  We told her about our great color tour this morning.  

It was almost 2100 when 60 Minutes ended so Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched an episode of Babylon Berlin on Netflix.

It was mild and pitch black when I made my evening check of the front yard.  Rain predicted for tomorrow afternoon.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

October 10,2020

 October 11, 2020

Blog time 1230 on Sunday sitting in office

Saturday October 10

Everyone was up at 0700.  We dressed and walked to Panera for my oatmeal and coffee and Nancy her hazelnut coffee.  The round trip miles, 1.66.

Sunny and warm today.  The temp might reach 80.  Today will be the last day with temp above 70 for awhile.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I spent time reading email and the hometown paper.  AHS has not won a football game this year.  Bummer.  In my youth AHS never had a losing season.

At 1030 I headed out on an 8.8 mile bike ride.  Once again I took my normal weekday route, backward.  Strong 15mph winds to so I had the wind at my back for most of the ride.  It being Saturday I shaved my face and headed before showering.

After lunch I drove to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  Also bought yogurt, bananas and pudding.  I have been eating so much dairy lately I will ask the Doctor to check my cholesterol on Monday.  I bet it is sky high.

I found time for a nap this afternoon.  Finished the afternoon with a 0.67 mi walk.  Took the walk because I wanted to close my circles on Apple’s fitness app.  I am obsessed with closing all the circles.  I should try and break this habit.

Nancy fixed Chicken Noodle soup for dinner.  Also had a walnut scone.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Midsomer Murders”.  

Granddaughter Alessandra FaceTimed us this afternoon.  She got us caught up on the doings of the Scott Team.

This evening Missy FaceTimed us.  Tomorrow she is taking Akerke on a zip line safari.  Missy said she will watch but not try zip lining.

Pleasant and warm 50s when checked outside at 2200.  Looks like another nice day ahead.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

October 9, 2020

 Friday October 9, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

The alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy quickly got ready for her two classes at MVP.  Later this morning, 1000, she is taking me to Ada Bike for I can pick up the Bianchi.  At noon she has her monthly Book Club.

This morning I did my entire exercise routine at home.  It only takes 30 minutes.  Breakfast and then I took the short route to Panera.  Temperature was 40.  

Arrived at 0830 and left for home at 1000.  Nancy was waiting and she drove me to Ada Bike.  I picked up the Bianchi and pedaled the 6 miles home.  Temperature was now 55.

At Home, Kim was still cleaning so headed back to Panera.  Finished yesterday’s blog and continued my daily reading routine.

This and that;

It is now 1300 and the temp is 70.  A 30 degree change since 0800.  Might reach 80 later.  Indian summer?

The Coronavirus will not go away.  Cases are rising.

This is the year for natural disasters.  Forest fires still going, 2nd major hurricane heading to Gulf, heat waves in CA, and storms in Midwest.  It is enough to drive one to drink.

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Quick lunch and spent some time making some adjustment to furniture downstairs.

As soon as Nancy got back from Book Club we made a quick trip to Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbots and I looked in Orvis.  We did not purchase anything.  

We drove through East Grand Rapids on our way home.  Political signs were everywhere.  I was surprised in conservative EGR Biden signs far outnumbered Trumps.  Based on this I now predict that Biden will win easily.

Tonight we had dinner at Sundance Grill.  We sat outside.  Very pleasant.  The food was average.

Watched a little news before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched a movie titled “Enola Holmes”.  Very entertaining I Highly recommend it.

The temperature was still in the 60s when I checked the front yard at 2200.

Friday, October 9, 2020

October 8, 2020

 Thursday October 8, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy has an early morning swim so she was out the door by 0700.

It was a cold 40 this morning.  Sun does not come up until 0747 but my weather app said it will be sunny.

Chin-ups/pull-ups before breakfast.  I shaved before putting on warm bike clothes.  Headed out into bright sun this morning. I drive by a fitness class every morning.  They have been having classes outside.  This morning was no exception.  Most folks were wearing tees.  Good grief it is 40.

This morning I saw a flock of about 20 turkeys feeding alongside the trail.  The reds on the maples this year are spectacular.

The Y was nearly empty.  For this first time in 7 months I took a shower at the Y.

When I left the Y, heading to Panera the temp was 60.  20 degrees warmer than at 0800.

This and that:

POTUS says no debate if the format is virtual.

The U.K. has a national health service.  The waiting list for minor surgery is over a year. I had to wait three weeks for my upcoming surgery and I was given several options.

The attempt to kidnap our governor is all the news.  The clowns planning the kidnapping thought their actions would start a civil war.  They have no clue about what the average citizen thinks.  Stupid, stupid.  Now the taxpayers will give them free room and board for the next 20 years.  What is wrong with the firing squad.

Think POTUS is self destructing.  

The beautiful weather is a real big help is fighting the blues.

Got home from Panera at 1300.  I thought taking a shower at the Y and then heading directly to the Y would allow me to get home at noon. 

Spent time in office cleaning up.  Kim comes tomorrow.

Took a nice long nap. For dinner Nancy Fire me Trader Jones’s cod dinner.  Very good.

After watching the news and Jeopardy we switched to Acorn and watched “The Gulf”.

Debbie and Missy both FaceTimed this evening.  Also had a nice talk with Jennifer Dougherty.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

October 7, 2020

 Wednesday October 7, 2020

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Alarm goes off at 0630.  

Nancy has an early morning class at MVP.  Later she and friends are going to a donut shop for donuts and coffee.

I dressed and drove to Panera for coffee.  Took the coffee home and watched this morning’s BC meeting on Zoom.

We had 26 folks in attendance this morning.  This morning’s speaker is associated with Habitat for Humanity.  He talked about their program for veterans.  Good talk.

After the meeting I grabbed my overloaded back pack and headed to Panera.  Oatmeal and bagel for breakfast.  Read emails before heading to Y.

At the Y I finally have access to my locker.  Now I will be able to store my workout clothes and shoes instead in lugging them back and forth between home and Y.  My bike rack and backpack were over loaded.

I took my normal 7 mile route home but backwards.  Good thing because I had a 15 mph wind at my back.  Easy ride.

At home showered and had a quick lunch.  

Nancy has not used her Macatawa Debit card in several months.  She tried recently what she thought was her password but no luck.  I took the card to Macatawa’s ATM and tried several passwords.  No luck.  The folks inside gave me a number to call.  Nancy called and reset her pw.

Being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out the trash. Even found time for a nap.

This and that:

Our recent high winds have dropped a lot of leaves and various nuts onto the bike path.  I have to be careful on the bike.

POTUS seems to be backing off on his threat to delay the stimulus until after the elections.  Good news. Just hope it is much less that Speaker Pelosi’s 2 trillion.

The Ca forest fires this year have been the most destructive ever.  California’s fires have released vast amounts of carbon.  

This evening is the Vice President Debate.  Who cares. I will not watch.

For dinner tonight we had Cheerios with strawberries.  Watched Shepard Smith news program before switching to Jeopardy.  We no longer watch the news on PBS.

Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn call “The Gulf”.  Not bad.  

High temp today was 65.  It was 55 when checked outside at 2200.  It should be 40 by morning.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

October 6, 2020

 Tuesday October 6, 2020

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Nancy was up early this morning.  She had to get to the pool early to get a lane.  At 1130 she has her Root Canal.  If she is feeling ok we will go to Costco after lunch.

This morning shaved before push-ups and chin-ups.  Breakfast and then headed to the Y.  Temperature was in mid 40s so no need for heavy pants or jackets.  The fall colors get better and better every day.  No critters today.

Once again the Y was not crowded.  Folks must be avoiding working out inside especially when the weather is so good.

At home showered before heading to Panera.  Ordered coffee and blueberry bagel.  Read Alpena News and emails before starting blogs.

This and that:

This mornings Alpena News said 35% voter turnout in August primary.  However, the number of young folks voting was disappointing.  Older folks get a gold star.

Nationwide based on absentee ballots already received a record turnout is predicted.  

POTUS says he will attend next week’s debate.  I sure hope he get clearance from his medical staff.  

On August 29 I am having surgery.  I must get a Coronavirus test on the 22nd.  It takes 7 days to get results?  POSTUS and professional athletes get results in 24 hours.  Is this fair?

Nobel Prize in Physics announced today.  Two men and a women, all white.  Will we hear protests?

The President announces that no relief package until after the election.  The stock market immediately tanked.  Most economists agree an immediate stimulus package is needed.  Congress should ignore POTUS and get a package passed.

After lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco.  It was senior’s day. We filled our list.  

Took a nap this afternoon.  For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Russ’s.  We both had a bowl of chicken rice soup and muffin.  I think Nancy and I were the youngest patrons.

At home we watched some local news before switching to Shepard Smith on CNBC.  Watched for 30’ before switching to Jeopardy.  Finished the evening watching crime show on Acorn.

Debbie called this evening wanting to know how Nancy’s root canal went.  Nancy gave a positive report.

Temperature was in 60s when headed out at 2200.  Morning temps will be in 60s.  Several days ago morning temps in 30s. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

October 5, 2020

Monday October 5, 2020

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.  I asked about her quality of sleep and she said bad.  She has a tooth acting up.

Push-ups and chin-ups before breakfast.  It was 33 degrees so I got out my lined bike pants.  Took all my work out gear to put in my locker this morning.  My bike bag and saddle bags were full.

As I entered the Y two deer ran across my path. Only critters I saw this morning.

The locker room was open but the attendant told me the locker I rent was not available.  I grumbled about being charged for the locker and being able to use it.  I was looking forward to a shower after working out.  Not going to happen.  

The inside Y was not crowded.  However, the outside classes were full.  I shiver when see folks working out in 40 degree temperature.

At home I unloaded my bike of all the gear I had intended to leave at the Y.  Showered and then biked to Panera.

Nancy called our dentist about her tooth ache.  She got an 1100 appointment.

It is now 1230 and the temperature is now 55.  20 degrees warmer than early morning. 

This and that:

Several of President Trump’s team have also contacted the Coronavirus.  Why didn’t these clowns wear a mask.

Lions lost another one.

Stock Market goes up, go figure.

Democratic Government’s lack of concern regarding China’s strong arm tactics especially against minorities in their own country is disturbing.  

Good grief, this morning President Trump tweeted 18 times.  Give it a rest POTUS.

Everyone agrees congress needs to pass a relief package.  But no agreement yet.

The Supreme Court appointment hearings are confusing because several key GOP senators have tested positive.  I think Ms Barrett is a good choice.  What is wrong with a Christian being appointed.  The USA is losing it Christian roots.  The Dems left wing have said there is no place in the party for folks who are anti-abortion.  Shame on them.  The USA should be a big umbrella.

The Nobel Prize committee has awarded the Prize in Medicine to two USA Doctors and one from UK.  Folks are already criticizing because the winners are white men.  I thought the prize was awarded on merit?

Did not get home from Panera until 1300.  Nancy reported that she has an infected tooth.  She has an appointment for a root canal tomorrow. Ouch!

Lunch and then loaded up the Bianchi and took it to Ada Bike to get a smaller front chain ring.  The smaller ring will make pedaling easier.  

Got a message on the Escape’s panel that my key battery needed to be replaced.  Told Nancy that I had to go to Fox Ford for a new key battery.  She said she wanted to go.  Dropped her off at Trader Joe’s while I got the battery replaced.  TJ’s was not busy so Nancy was waiting for me.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  No walk today.

For dinner we had Cheerios with strawberries.  Watched the news and at 1900 I watched Shepard Smith new show on CNBC.  No Jeopardy tonight.

It being Monday we watched a new episode of The Sounds.  After we watched an episode of The Advocates.  The show is set in Edinburgh in the 90s.  

It was still in the 50s when I checked the front yard.  Warmup tomorrow with temps reaching 65.