Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

March came in like a lamb and it is leaving like a lamb.  So much for folk lure.  Temperature was in mid 30s with little wind.

Nancy walked to Panera for her morning coffee.  After my calisthenics downstairs I had breakfast and started out on my 10.5 mile bike ride.  It was gloomy but no wind so the ride was pleasant.

No traffic this morning.  Folks are observing the shelter in place order.  I encountered a number of couples out walking.  No bikes this morning.

Usually this time of year you hear the loud noise of lawn maintenance equipment cutting and cleaning up yards.  Not so this year.  Lawn maintenance must not be critical.

Got home about 1030.  Shaved, showered and got dressed before driving to Panera.  Got my coffee and sat in the parking lot drinking coffee and reading emails and news.

Yesterday I sent an email to my childhood friend Maury Cohen wishing him Happy Birthday.  Today he sent me a thank you.  I can remember the birthday of some one I have only seen once in 64 years but cannot remember what I had for breakfast. Go figure!

First thing after lunch Nancy and I drove to Meijer for some food supplies.  Meijer’s was not crowded and folks were observing the 6 foot rule.  After Meijer’s we drove to Aldi’s to purchase fruit, crackers and eggs.

Nancy is fixing a pot roast in the crock pot.  She also loaded potatoes and carrots into the mix.  Smells good.

Took a short nap and fixed our apple snack.  Nancy took a 1.5 mile walk.  Total miles for her today 3.5.  Good show Nancy.

The pot roast was very good. Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker/pill after dinner snack.  I took a short 2/3 mile walk.

Debbie and Missy made their nightly FaceTime call.  We told them every thing is ok.  Everything is also ok in Ca.

Tonight we watched NCIS and then switched to Acorn to watch a Welsh detective show.  Kind of dark and gloomy.

Light mist when took Ms P out at 2200.  Warmup coming this weekend.

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