Monday, April 6, 2020

Saturday April 4, 2020

Saturday April 4, 2020

Blog time 1030 sitting in living room

I was first up this morning.  Took Ms P out.  It was 48 but rain predicted for later.

First thing, Nancy and I took a 2 mile walk.  It was just starting to sprinkle when we got home.   Nancy showered and I headed out to Panera for morning coffee.  No waiting at the drive thru.  I parked in their lot and read the Alpena News and my email before heading home.

Nancy was well under way with the laundry when I got home.  I brought her thermos filled with hazelnut coffee.

I took another short walk before lunch.  Lunch and a short nap.  

I started having a stomach ache in mid afternoon which I thought was from drinking Dark Roast coffee.  I recently switched from light roast to dark roast.  I occasionally have these stomach pains when I overload on coffee.  My drink of choice is now Vernor’s Ginger Ale.

For dinner tonight I had two Tums.  Nancy had toast and butter.  

Missy and Debbie FaceTimed us this evening to get an update on our condition and if we are sheltering in place.
Tonight we watched an episode of Wycliffe.  It was in 40s when took Ms P out for last time.  As soon as I put her down Ms P had a seizure.  It last several minutes.  Scary.  

Spring is slowly coming to West Michigan.  We have some flowers coming up in our Courtyard.  Average low temperature for April is above freezing.  

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