Friday, April 17, 2020

Thursday April 16, 2020

Thursday April 16, 2020

Blog time 1030 sitting in office

I got up with the alarm at 0600.  Took Ms P out.  Temperature 27 with a thin dusting of snow on the pavement.

This morning we are going to senior time at Meijer’s which starts at 0700.  We arrive exactly at 0700 and the parking lot was not crowded.  Both Nancy and I wore our protective mask and gloves.  Most folks also had masks and gloves.

Our goal was to purchase a month’s supply of food.  I think we accomplished our goal.  We were 55 minutes in the store.

We have been told packaged goods should be left outside for 2 days to kill bugs.  We left these goods in the garage.  Temperatures in the garage never get below 32.

I had my standard breakfast of oatmeal, banana and toast.  Nancy made a pot of coffee so I filled a cup and headed downstairs.  Read the Alpena News, email and finished yesterday’s blog.  

Nancy just got back from a 2.5 mile walk.  It is 1030 and I will suspend writing to take a bike ride.  Today I will use my winter bike.
The winter bike has studded tires.  I forgot how much harder it is to pedal with these tires.  Encountered no ice during the ride.  I rode 9 miles.

At home I did my calisthenics and then shaved and showered.   Lunch and then more reading in the living room.  I fell asleep.  Nancy told me to take a nap.  I complied.

Fixed out apple snack.  For dinner we had more of Costco’s chicken pot pie.  Very good.

No 1900 PBS news tonight because our two US Senators were having a briefing.  We did not watch.  I think at this time US Senators and Representatives are irrelevant.

Headed to the den and watched an episode of Endeavour.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  They both looked good.  We told them that the old folks are fine.

It was below freezing when I took Ms P out at 2200.  It should start to warm up on Saturday.

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