Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tuesday April 14, 2020

Tuesday April 14, 2020

Blog time 1430 sitting in office

A very good night.  Temperature was in mid 20s this morning.  I was first up at 0600.  Took Ms P out and it was not only cold but strong winds.  I decided immediately no bike ride today.

Nancy headed out for her 2.5 mile walk.  She was bundled up.

This morning I increase the calisthenics to 75%.  Shaved and showered before breakfast.  Nancy had just had just finished her walk as I was starting my oatmeal, banana, toast breakfast.

I bundled up and took a 1.5 mile walk.  Not pleasant walking into the wind.  The one plus was the bright sun.

As soon as I got home I filled my thermos up with coffee and headed down to my office.  Glad to be able to drink coffee.

Read the Alpena News and my email before finishing yesterday’s blog.  Today I used my Apple MacBook Air to read the papers and email.  Also finished yesterday’s blog on the laptop.  I now know that if my iPad becomes disabled I can use the laptop.  

I prefer using the iPad with the Apple detachable keyboard for typing.  I like the keys on the iPad over the laptop’s.

In today’s mail we got two protective masks from Missy.  Her firm make the masks.  They fit well, made of quality material and are washable.

After lunch I headed downstairs and read the WSJ.  I will take a 1.5 mile later.

Got a call from my dermatologist Dr Mary Yurko.  She said because of the Coronavirus she is not doing any visual skin checks.  Recommended I call in mid May.

I took a short nap followed by another 1.5 mile walk.  Most folks are real good about the 6 foot separation.  When another walker is approaching me one of us moves off the sidewalk to the street.

Tonight for dinner Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing andpeas.  Loved the dressing but the pork chop was tough.  However, Petunia thought the pork chop was great.

After dinner I fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack.  For the first time in over a week I poured a glass of wine.  Tasted great.

Favorite snack foods during our sheltering at home.  Bagel Chips with sea salt, dried prunes and sugar free oatmeal cookies.

After the news and Jeopardy we watched NCIS.  NCIS is grasping at straws.  The show was not very good.  

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of the detective show from Iceland called Valhalla Murders.  Good episode.

It was snowing when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to mid 20s this evening.

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