Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wednesday April 22, 2020

Wednesday April 22, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Nancy said it was very cold this morning.  Temp in mid 20s.  I slept in until 0700.  Looked out window and saw light snow.

Showered before breakfast.  Oatmeal and English muffin with peanut butter before heading downstairs.

Read my email and the Alpena News.  With everyone confined to home and stores and schools closed the News has little to report on.  It’s editions are getting smaller everyday.

I wrote a short note on a birthday card for my Cousin Bette Scott Krueger.  Bette lives in TN.  Her birthday was yesterday.

Nancy ordered some food from Horrick’s.  Horrick’s has a program where they will bag your order and bring it to your car.

We left home at 1000 and first stop was mail box to send Cousin Bette her birthday car.  Next we parked at Horrick’s pickup area.  Called the store and they brought out our order and put in the trunk.   No human contact.

Next stop was Macatawa Bank.  We got money from the ATM.

At Petunia’s Vet we drove up and gave our name to the attendant.  They brought the prescription out to the car.  Once again no contact.

At home I headed downstairs to the office.  Today is my 82nd birthday so Nancy brought me several presents.  I received several  cards and our financial advisor sent me a cookie so I immediately ate it.

My Sister called from Gaylord to wish me a Happy Birthday.  It was snowing in Gaylord.  Helen and Don are sheltering in place.

This afternoon we are driving to Culver’s and ordering frozen custard.  This is my birthday treat.

Light lunch, yogurt and hard boiled egg.  After lunch I took a nap.  

At 1630 we drove to Culver’s.  Nancy ordered an ice cream hot fudge sundae and I had a medium frozen custard.  We ate our treats as soon as we got home.  Very tasty.

I received FaceTime Birthday calls from:

Veronica and Granddaughter Alessandra.

Missy and Granddaughter Akerke.

Son Stephen make several efforts to phone me.  We were unable to connect.  

I appreciated all the calls.  It was very nice. 

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed meatloaf with mashed potatoes with coleslaw.  A great midwestern dinner.

Tonight after the news and Jeopardy we watched two episode of Bosch on Prime.  Light rain when I took Ms P out at 2200.


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