Saturday, April 11, 2020

Friday April 10, 2020

Friday April 10, 2020

Blog time noon, sitting in office.

Slept in until 0700, sinful.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out and was getting ready for her morning walk.

I did my calisthenics (50%) before showering.  I am feeling better so on Monday I will gradually start increasing my exercises.

Nancy headed out and I fixed my oatmeal and toast breakfast.  This is my second day on Prilosec.  I sure hope it starts working.  

After breakfast I took Ms P out.  Strong winds (20mph) and temp in mid 30s.  BRR

Today is GOOD FRIDAY, a special day for Christians.  Because of the Coronavirus no typical Church services.  Trinity Lutheran will stream their service.  

Memories of Good Friday:

My Grandmother Scott always planted her peas on Good Friday regardless of weather.

During my youth all the stores were closed between noon and 1500.

Also in my youth no school on Good Friday.  In fact Good Friday was the first day of our spring break.  We also got Easter Monday off.  School resumed on Tuesday.  Yes folks a four day break.

Today the US Stock Market was closed.

Today is Kim’s normal cleaning day.  Because of the Coronavirus we gave her a paid holiday.

I helped Nancy change the sheets on our bed.  It was amateur hour.

This and that;

 New York State alone has more Coronavirus cases than any country in the world.

Looks like an antibody test is coming soon.  If test show you have the antibody then you are immune from getting Coronavirus again.  Good news.

The Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roosevelt now has 416 cases.  Not surprising given the close quarters on this large ship.

Every day I try to have lunch at 1330.  Today was no exception.  Yogurt and a hard boiled egg were on the menu.

This afternoon my activities were;

More reading on my iPad.

Short nap.

Took a 1.5 mile walk.  

We will resume our afternoon apple snack on Monday.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a hamburger with mashed potatoes.  Nothing better than a burger.  During my 18 months in Vietnam what I missed most food wise was a good ole burger.

Tonight we watched the NBC news and then PBS News hour.  It was Friday so we watched the Brooks and Shield’s debate.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of Absentia.  Better than episode 1. Temperature will drop below freezing tonight.

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