Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Monday April 20, 2020

Monday April 20, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

Nancy and Ms P had already been out when I got up at 0800.  Today will be another day inside.  No exercises.

Showered before I had my oatmeal breakfast with a blueberry scone.  My stomach flu has sapped my appetite.  Stepped on scale this morning and weighed 144#.

Checked my email and read the Alpena News after breakfast.  The number of Coronavirus cases in NE Mi is slowly increasing.  

About 1000 I got tired so took my kindle and sat in my recliner and read a Ken Follett book, The Third Twin.  Fell asleep immediately and woke up in time for lunch.

Lunch and then I spent some time in the office checking finances.  Paid my charge card bill before heading upstairs to take another nap.  I slept a good two hour.

This and that:

Coronavirus still totally dominates the news.

While all the news is on the emergency health services. Other health service sectors not dealing with Coronavirus are financially hurting.   Actual visits to your GP are not possible.  I had a virtual talk with my GP but it is not the same.  Surgeries are being postponed.  A real financial drain on doctors and hospitals.

Under cover of the Coronavirus, China is arresting Hong Kong democracy leaders.

I think one of the best things Congress could do to help workers is to suspends the payroll tax for the rest of the year.

We had Cheerios with blueberry muffins for dinner.  Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker with pill snack before settling down to watch the news and Jeopardy.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  They are doing fine but I think some CabinFever is starting.  We told them Nancy and I are still sheltering in place.

This evening we watched two episodes of Bosch on Prime.  It was raining when took Ms P out at 2200.  More rain tonight and temps near 32 by daylight.  

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