Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Tuesday April 7, 2020

Tuesday April 7, 2020

Blog time 1000 sitting in living room

My sleep was interrupted this morning when Nancy called me at 0700.  Petunia was having a seizure.  The seizures are becoming more common. 

This morning I did my calisthenics at 50%.  Shaved and showered before breakfast.  For breakfast I had a slice of toast and banana.  

Brought my ipad upstairs and read the Alpena News and emails before finishing yesterdays blog.  Except for a walk, today will be another Stay at Home day.

Nancy took a 2.5 mile walk this morning.  Later in the day she will take a 1.5 mile walk.

This and that:

Sorry to hear of the passing of Al Kaline.  He was a favorite of all Tiger fans.  Al Kaline came directly from High School to the Tigers.  He played for no other team.  One of his shining moments was winning the 68 World Series.

Our daughter Missy is now making protective face masks.  She saw on facebook a plea from an Amherst classmate who is now a MD in San Francisco of her need for face masks.  Missy makes modesty sports clothing.  She is switching production to masks.  When another Amherst classmate heard of the plea he donated money to have the masks made.  Other classmates are also donating money.  Missy said her supplier can make 1,000 masks per day.  Way to go Missy.

Good Grief why must our President continually bad mouth in public folks who disagree with him.  Not a good example.

I took a 1.5 mile walk before lunch.  For lunch I had yogurt and a hard boiled egg.

This afternoon I took nap.  No apple snack following the nap but I did take a short 0.5 mile walk.  It was sunny with a temperature of 72.  Yes 72!

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Mac and cheese with Lima beans.  I also had a slice of Irish soda bread.

We had a heavy storm roll through after dinner.  It knocked out our Direct TV.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.  

Debbie has been working at home for over a month.  She puts in a long day.   A lot of the Apple folks she deals with live in China or the Middle East.  Because of the time differences she starts calling at 0600 and ends at 2000. 

With our Direct TV out we watched “Bosch” episode 1 of Season 5 on Prime.  We gave it a B.

The rain had stopped when took Ms P out at 2130.  Temperature in mid 50s.

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