Saturday, April 18, 2020

Friday April 17, 2020

Friday April 17, 2020

Blog time 1240 sitting in office.

Today is Birthday Day in the Scott family.

Granddaughter Alessandra Cecilia Ocano Robles Scott celebrates her eleventh birthday.  Alessandra is a ray of sunshine.  We especially enjoyed her visit last Thanksgiving.  She accompanied Debbie to GR.

Last night Veronica sent us video clips of folks driving by Alessandra’ home to celebrate her birthday.  The first video shows a Long Beach Police car driving by Alessandra’s home with sirens blazing wishing her a Happy Birthday.  The second video shows a number of Alessandra’s friends driving by with horns blaring and balloons.  Her friend were wishing her a Happy Birthday.

It makes me happy to see this kind of spirit among young folks.  God Bless them all!

April 17 is also the birthday of my father, Robert Sanborn Scott.  Dad was born in Virginia, MN in 1906.  His father owned a logging company and sawmill.

I can say a lot of nice things about Dad but the one thing I admire most is his actions during my Sister’s battle with Polio.  Dad was a workaholic and had just started a new engineering company,  Scott Engineering Company.  

The only hospital in Northern Michigan that could handle Polio patient’s was Munson Hospital in Traverse City.  Munson was 140 miles from Alpena.

Mom and Dad accompanied the ambulance to TC.  Of course they had a flat tire on there way which panicked everyone.

I remember an old employee telling me that Dad called all his staff together about 15 folks.  He told them that they were on their own because he would be gone until Helen got better.  Mom and Dad stayed in the Park Place Hotel.  He was gone about 6 weeks.  Family came first for Dad.

This morning Nancy was up first and took Ms P out.  I got up at 0700.  Checked my weather app and it said it would start snowing at 0800.

I told Nancy.  She wanted to get her walk done before it started snowing.  She immediately headed out on a 3 mile walk.

I was right behind her.  I took my summer bike and headed out.  About ten minutes into the ride it started snowing.  It was a light snow so no problem biking.  Today I rode nine miles.

At home I completed my calisthenics before showering.  Breakfast today started at 1000.  About 2 hours behind schedule.  But who care when we are sheltered at home.  Finished breakfast and headed downstairs to finish blog and read papers and email.

I did call my sister, Helen.  I always call her on Mom or Dad’s birthday.  We took a trip down memory lane.

Lunch and then a nap.  I got chilled on my bike ride.  I think I should not ride when the temp is below freezing and it is windy.  Riding on these days lowers my body’s core temperature.  I never did warm up.

This afternoon we FaceTimed Alessandra and wished her Happy Birthday.  I am sure she enjoyed our boisterous singing of Happy Birthday.

Fixed our apple snack.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chili.  She also baked drop biscuits.  Very good.

Tonight I enjoyed the Brooks and Shield debate on the PBS news.  Turned on Apple TV and watched 1st episode of season 6 of Bosch on Prime.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  They told us how nice the weather was in CA and we told them it was snowing in GR.  We win!  


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