Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tuesday April 28, 2020

Tuesday April 28, 2020

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  Nancy had already fed Ms P and was getting ready for her 3.5 mile walk.

I did calisthenics and dressed for a bike ride.  Quick breakfast before heading out.  Today I rode 8 miles.  Temp was in mid 50s.  I was overdressed and ended the ride drenched in sweat.  Shaved and showered.  Spent time in the office finishing yesterday’s blog and reading email and news.

Nancy had to pick up at prescription at Costco.  I drove her.  Costco has strict entrance requirements.  They only allow 5 folks at a time.  Masks are mandatory.  Waited in the car and noted everyone exiting the store was wearing a mask.

Dropped Nancy off and then headed to Ada Bike Shop.  Picked up my Bianchi bike.  Ada Bike is complying with the rules.  I had to wear a mask and stay outside while they brought the bike to me.

The sun and 70 degrees got me in the mood to get our deck in shape.  Cleaned table, brought up two chairs and the deck umbrella.  The deck looks good.

Lunch and then a nap.  Screwed up again, no apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a 1/2 mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a juicy burger with onion, chips and fresh pineapple.  Very tasty.

Tonight after the news we watched a rerun of NCIS.  We also watched part two of an episode of Agatha Raisin.  It was ok.

Debbie and Missy made what is now a daily call to check up on Bob and Nancy.  We gave a positive report.

It was raining hard when took Ms P out at 2200.  Temp in mid 50s.  Rain predicted for most of Wednesday.

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