Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tuesday April 21, 2020

Tuesday April 21, 2020

Blog time 1130 sitting in office.

Woke up to sunshine at 0730 this morning.  Nancy had already been out and she said it was cold and windy.  Checked my weather app and sure enough wind chill was 22.  That is cold for late April.  

Shaved and showered before breakfast.  While dressing I looked out window and saw it was snowing.  It is not suppose to snow!

Breakfast of oatmeal and an English muffin with peanut butter.  Immediately after I headed down to the office to finish reading yesterday’s papers and finish yesterday’s blog.

Today is my cousin Bette’s birthday.  Bette is a year and a day older than I am.  Emailed Bette’s sister Judy in Alpena to get her email address.  Apparently Bette does not have email but I got her mailing address.  Bette now lives in TN.  Will send a card tomorrow.

I really don’t think I have to read the news because it is all about the Coronavirus.  The WSJ does have some good news stories especially in their World News section.

I just got a trial subscription to the English paper “The Telegraph”.  The UK has free universal health care for all their citizens.  After reading a week of news I think the UK’s health system is inferior to the USA.  The lack PPE is a major problem much worse than in the USA.  The same with Ventilators.  There are not enough.  The Telegraph continually reports on the short comings of the National Health Service.

Looked out the window just now and it is spitting snow.  The bad weather did not stop me from putting away the winter clothes and bringing up the warm weather gear.  I am an optimist

Nancy did take two walks today.  She cut both walks short because of the wind chill.

Lunch of yogurt and a hard boiled egg.  After lunch I took a nap.  Slept sound for 90 minutes.  Fixed our apple snack.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me chicken soup with dumplings.  She had Mac&cheese followed by her cheese/cracker/pill snack.  I had an oat meal cookie.

Tonight after the news we watched another episode of Bosch on Prime.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok in CA and MI.

It was still cold and windy when took Ms P out at 2200.  Tonight the temp will drop to mid 20s.  This is the last time the temp will drop below 32 until late fall, I hope.

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