Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Monday April 6, 2020

Monday April 6, 2020

Blog time 1130 sitting in office.

I took Ms P out at 0550 this morning.  The temperature was 31 but it should warm up soon.

All the news outlets are saying it is important that we stay at home this week.  I am complying.  

I felt better this morning so I did my calisthenics at 50%.  After showering I finished the weekend blogs.

Nancy drove to Panera to get her thermos filled.  She bought me a plain bagel.  For breakfast I had a toasted bagel with a banana.  Nancy took a 2.5 mile walk.

Nancy noted when she got home that she was missing a glove.  We got in the car and retraced her route.  Luckily it was a bright red glove and we found it about 1/2 mile from home.

This and that:

Coronavirus totally dominates the world’s news.

Today the Stock Market surged 1,000.  Go figure.

In Saturday’s WSJ, Peggy Noonan wrote that during the crisis Governors are the hero’s.  Senators and Representatives are irrelevant.  I agree.

Nancy had a friend make us two face mask that we can wear when out in public.

According to my hometown paper, Alpena County and the surrounding counties have not had one Coronavirus case.  The counties are sparsely populated.  

Today is bright and sunny with temperature in the low 60s.  Before lunch I removed the covers over our deck table and the slider.  Swept the porch.  On another warm day and I will bring up the deck chairs.

Today I had my normal lunch of yogurt, hard boiled egg, cheese and crackers and a piece of chocolate.  I think I might have over done it.  Needed a couple of Tums.  I must remember to slow down.  It will take time for my stomach chemicals to balance.

We got another medical bill relating to Nancy’s accident.  Called the Insurance Agency and they said to forward the bill.  I complied.  Walked to the mail box to post the bill.

The Coronavirus Sheltering in Place is the first time I have been involved in such large scale quarantine. During the polio epidemic kids in Alpena were told to stay inside during the month of August and not to go swimming.  This confinement ended with the first frost in September.  The conventional wisdom was the first frost killed the polio bug.

While in Vietnam I heard of a practice the Army had of confining GIs to base for the last week of their time in country.  The reason being to see that they were clear of any tropical diseases.  The GIs had a name for it PCOD (pussy cut off date).  You figure it out.

This afternoon I took a nice nap.  No apple snack this afternoon.

Very light dinner tonight. I just had a slice of Irish Soda bread.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We told them the old folks are ok.

We watched the last two episodes of season 4 of Bosch last night.  The temperature was mid 50s when took Ms P out at 2200.

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