Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunday April 19, 2020

Sunday April 19, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Nancy was up early today.  I slept in until almost 0800.

I had my oatmeal breakfast with an English muffin.  I promised Nancy that I would stay inside today.  I have complied.

Took a shower after Breakfast.  Put on clean dry clothes.

Read some of the GRP and then fired up YouTube and watched Trinity Lutheran’s 0915 service.  It was really quite good.

This morning I took a nap while Nancy headed out on a 2.25 mile walk.  It was sunny but very windy.  Temperatures remained in the 50s today.

When I woke from my nap Nancy was sitting on the deck sunning herself.  She said it was very pleasant if you stayed out of the wind.

I had yogurt for lunch.  The rest of the day I sat in my living room easy chair and read the GRP and the news on my laptop.  Kudos to Peggy Noonan for a great OpED in yesterday’s WSJ.

At 1530 Nancy headed out on another walk.  This time it was 1.5 miles.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs with spinach pie.  Good meal.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  I think 60 Minutes is getting a little long in the tooth.

We moved to den and finished the evening watching Midsomer Murders.  The Girls, Debbie and Missay called us tonight.  Everything was reported ok.  I think they both are getting cabin fever.

Warm up coming.  Next week high temps will be in 40s and 50s.  About time.

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