Sunday, April 12, 2020

Saturday April 11, 2020

Saturday April 11, 2020

Blog time 1140 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0700, this is getting habit forming.  Nancy was already up and had taken Ms P out.  She was ready for our Saturday morning walk.  

It was sunny and 31 when started out on our walk.  We did not pass anyone.  The only noise we heard were the birds chirping.  We walked 1.5 miles.

At home I read the Alpena News and my email, before finishing yesterday’s blog.  I did my calisthenics (50%), shaved and then showered.

It has been a week since my stomach problems.  During the week I have had no wine or coffee.  I have not even ridden my bike.  Surprised I am still alive.  Today I feel much better.

Read more news on the iPad before taking a walk.  Lunch today consisted of yogurt, hard boiled egg and an oatmeal cookie.  Tasty.

I did find time this afternoon for a nap.  No apple snack but I did spend time in the office checking finances.  Today we made a contribution to Feeding America, West Michigan.  

I walked to the mail box to post the check to FA,WMi.  The walk gave me 3.5 miles for the day.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a hamburger with mashed potatoes.  Very Middle American and tasty.

Tonight we moved immediately to the den and Apple TV.  First show we watched was Call for Midwife, always an uplift.  Next we watched Grantchester on Prime.

Today I got two nice emails from Carol Smith and Jennifer Dougherty.  Both great engineers and just plain nice folk.

Debbie and Missy both FaceTimed us tonight to check on our status.  Debbie is looking much better after her month long illness.  

Missy gave us an update on her project to make protective masks for several classmates who are Doctors.  In fact it has become a project for the Amherst class of 90.  A noble effort.  

Very mild when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Tomorrow will also be mild but then colder weather thru Friday.  Morning temps below freezing.

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