Saturday, April 4, 2020

Friday April 3, 2020

Friday April 3, 2020

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

Nancy up at 0530.  She took Ms P out and then back to bed.  I was up at 0645 and headed downstairs for calisthenics.

Nancy headed out for her two mile walk as I was starting breakfast.  I fixed oatmeal with banana and bread with peanut butter.  

Left at 0830 for my 10 mile bike ride.  I overdressed.  It was mid 30s when left and near 50 when got home.  Beautiful day with sun and blue skies.  Warmest day since last October.

At home showered and then drove to Panera for my coffee.  Perfect timing, no one else was in line.  Earlier I biked past a Starbucks and counted 12 cars in the queue.

Parked in Panera’s lot to use their WiFi.  Read emails and the news.

As soon as I got home I took a 1.5 mile walk.  On my walk I encountered folks walking towards me.  They all crossed the street.  I think this is taking 6 foot separation too far.  Our less than 6 foot separation is just for seconds.  

After lunch I started cleaning the garage.  Moved all the loose material out of the garage and then gave it a good sweeping. Took about 2 hours.  Looks good!

Took a short nap and then fixed our apple snack.  Nancy this evening fixed her famous ham and bean soup.  Very good.

Missy FaceTimed us early this evening.  This morning she was in line several hours at Costco and when she finally got in they were sold out of paper products.  Life in the big city.  In GR we do not have this problem.

Fixed after dinner snack before settling down to watch the news.  Tonight’s Brooks and Shield’s debate on PBS was especially good.  I like David Brooks.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She reminded us to Shelter in Place.  We are pretty good about this except I will not give up my solo bike ride and Nancy her daily walks.

Nancy ordered two face masks today from a friend who makes them.  We will wear them on our walks.

I thought Petunia’s birthday was on the 4th but I checked my records and it is today.  Happy Birthday Ms P.

We watched an episode of Wycliffe this evening.  Nancy headed to bed and I took Ms P out.  Instead of going to bed I wanted to finish reading the WSJ.  Next thing I knew it was midnight and Nancy was waking me up.


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