Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Monday April 13, 2020

Monday April 13, 2020

Blog time 1100 sitting in living room

Nancy took Ms P out at 0630.  I slept in until 0700.  High winds this morning, 22 mph, but they will increase to 38 mph later.  I told Nancy that we should get our walks in early.  She agreed and soon headed out.

Our dishwasher did not cycle properly last night so I restarted the washer and waited until it appeared to working ok before starting my walk.

Put on my raincoat and headed out into the rain and wind.  It was difficult walking into the wind.  I did see several runners and walker.  I ended up walking 2.5 miles.  Nancy walked about the same distance.  We are both in for the day.

I had breakfast, oatmeal, banana and toast.  Brought my iPad upstairs because it is warmer.  Poured a cup of Nancy’s fresh brewed coffee.  Read the Alpena News and my email.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

Nancy just told me to look outside.  Noted heavy rain/snow  mix.  Brr.

Headed downstairs to do my calisthenics.  Increased effort to 70%.  After calisthenics I showered.  

Missy called and needed some help with her efforts to make protective masks.  Made a quick trip to D&W to mail a package.  I wore a mask as did about 90% of customers.

My stomach is feeling better so I had my normal lunch.  Yogurt, egg, cheese and crackers.

After lunch returned downstairs and continued reading the news.  Of course Coronavirus still dominates.  The news media seems to lost all objectivity.  They are trying to blame the President for everything.  I really don’t think any government could anticipate the scale of the Coronavirus.  Of course the President doesn’t help his case by being a jerk.

The US Air Force built an airfield in Africa that had major cost overruns and poor design.  It cost over $120 million.  Now there is talk of abandoning the field.  It is a scandal.

Congress is still deadlocked on another stimulus package.  The Democrats are trying to add more items than necessary.

I am not a big fan of voting by mail.  As ex President Carter said it offer a big opportunity for fraud.

I think getting back to normal will be more difficult than most experts say.

I did take a nap today.  Fixed an apple snack for first time in 10 days.

For dinner tonight we had cereal and toast.  Instead of Cheerios I substituted Fiber One.  I ran out of fiber powder so I need the extra fiber in Fiber One.  Nancy ordered fiber powder from Amazon.  Will arrive on Wednesday.

After dinner I fixed Nancy her cheese and crackers.  We watched the News and Jeopardy in the living room.  At 2200 we moved to the den to watch Apple TV.  Tonight we watched and episode of Wycliffe.

Debbie and Missy Face Timed us this evening.  We gave another positive report.

Temperature will drop to the 20s tonight.  High temperature tomorrow will be in mid 30s.  

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