Sunday, April 19, 2020

Saturday April 18, 2020

Saturday April 18, 2020

Blog time noon sitting in office.

This morning after Ms P was fed Nancy and I headed out on a walk.  Temperature was in high 20s.  We never saw another person.  We walked 1.75 miles.

As soon as we got home I fixed my oatmeal breakfast with banana and toast.  I never get tired of this breakfast.

First item of work after breakfast was to bring in the groceries we purchased on Thursday.  The experts say in two days all the bad germs should be dead.

Also hung up a new suet cake.  We are surprised at how many different birds peck at the suet.

Spent several hours in the office reading and checking emails before finishing calisthenics.  Showered and shaved upstairs because it is warmer.

Nancy took another walk this afternoon.  I am proud of her walking ability.  An article in the WSJ pointed out the great benefits of walking.

I got chilled on our walk today and spent the day trying to warm up with no success.  I wore a heavy poncho but still could not get warm.

Light lunch and then headed to bed.  Put the electric blanket on high with no success.  Stayed inside for the rest of the day.

Nancy fixed a light dinner.   I had English muffin toast.  After dinner we headed to the den to watch two episodes of Bosch.  I used the heating pad to try and warm up. No luck.

Debbie and Missy called us tonight for a status report.  We said everything was ok.  I lied.

Nancy said I felt feverish.  So I went to bed with warm pants and shirts and the electric blanket on high.  Surprise at 1100 I woke up completely covered in sweat.  Thankfully the fever had broken.  Changed clothes before returning to bed for a good night’s sleep.

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