Friday, April 10, 2020

Thursday April 9, 2020

Thursday April 9, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office.

Nancy was first up and out this morning.  She said it was cold, 37, and windy.  

I got up at 0700. Calisthenics (50%) in basement.  Shower and shaved before breakfast.

Nancy left for her 2.5 mile walk when I was starting breakfast.  She was bundled up because the wind chill was in low 20s.

Breakfast this morning was oatmeal and dry toast.  I also started taking my Prilosec. Sure hope it works.

After breakfast I headed downstairs to the office.  Finished yesterday’s blog.  Other items worked on this morning:

Took apart garage door opener and found battery type needed.  No second car so will replace battery when we purchase one.

Changed battery in our downstairs indoor/ outdoor thermometer.

Wrote checks for USA & MI estimated 2020 first quarter taxes.

Read the Alpena News and email.  

This and that;

Today is Maundy Thursday.  The day for the Last Supper.

In honor of John Prine who passed recently from Coronavirus I dug out his CD and played it.

Also listened to Hank Williams and Merle Haggard CDs.

Good to see U.K. leader Boris Johnson out of intensive care.

At 1300 I drove Nancy to D&W so she could purchase supplies.  While she was shopping I drove to ATM for money and then filled up the Escape.  The entire trip took less than 30 minutes.  Nancy wore her mask and gloves while shopping.

Lunch consisted of yogurt and a banana.  After lunch I headed back downstairs.  

I spent time on my iPad looking up good and bad foods for a sour stomach.  Three of the four sites I visited said bananas were ok.  The other site said bananas were a no no.  Who are you going to believe?

 Checked several sugar substitutes and found most can cause a sour stomach.  Good grief every food I like is bad!  As my Dad always said if it tastes good spit it out.

I gave my sister, Helen, in Gaylord a call to see if they have any snow.  No she said.  She and Don are doing fine.

Speaking of snow we have had intermittent sun and then snow showers.  Nothing is sticking.

Walked to the mail box to mail our taxes. The temperature was 37 with 18 mph winds, wind chill 27.  The walk home was ok with the wind at my back.

For dinner Nancy fixed poached eggs on toast.  After I fixed Nancy’s cheese/cracker/pill snack.  Watched the news and Jeopardy in living room before switching to the den to watch Apple TV.  Tonight we watched Absentia on Prime.  It was ok.

Cold and windy when took Ms P out at 2200.


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