Monday, April 13, 2020

Sunday April 12, 2020

Sunday April 12, 2020

Happy Easter, Everyone

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room

Nancy was ready for our Sunday walk when I got up at 0700.  The sun was up today at 0701 so we started our walk with sun and mild temps, 46.  This morning we walked 2.5 miles.  We did not encounter a single soul.

I fixed my usual oatmeal, banana and toast breakfast.  Nancy made a pot of coffee so for first time in a week I had a small cup.  

This morning we attended Trinity Lutheran’s Easter service.  We hooked up with Trinity via YouTube.  It really was quite good.

Memories of past Easter Sundays.

I talked with my Sister and she remembers that for every Easter she got a new dress.  I do remember getting dressed up with pressed slacks and a blazer.  The whole family including my Grandmother Hughes attended service at First Methodist.  Of course Mother fixed ham for dinner.

In 1962 young Navy Ensign Scott was given the collateral duty of being in charge of the Chaplin’s fund.  My duties included purchasing Sterling Silver Baby juice cups for every new baby born on the Midway Island.  I also had to purchase chocolate Easter eggs for the Chaplin’s Easter egg hunt.  The Chaplin I worked with continually bugged me to make sure I had purchased enough and the right kind.  This duty was not why I joined the Navy.

Bob and Nancy’s first Easter, 1966, was in Redwood City, Ca.  Debbie was just a baby and we attended the local Lutheran Church.  I remember it was within walking distance of our apartment.

When the kids were young we alway had an Easter egg hunt.  The kids colored the eggs and I hid them.

Great Memories

After breakfast I read the GRP.  It was a very small edition.   Nancy noted that the ad section was extremely small.  I am sure newspaper are suffering financially from the Coronavirus like other businesses.

Spent time in office finishing yesterday’s blog and reading online news.  Before lunch I took a walk along the golf cart path to see how the ponds on the old golf course held up over the winter.  Everything looks fine.

Typical lunch followed by my Sunday nap.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on a waffle.  The dinner included spinach pie.
Fixed Nancy her cheese and crackers before settling down to watch the news and 60 Minutes.  At 2000 we moved to the den and watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  We told them the old folks are doing ok.  Both Debbie and Missy looked good.  Veronica sent us photos of the Scott Team celebrating Easter.  The family, Steve, Veronica, Lucas and Alessandra looked great.

It was raining when took Ms P out for last time.  High winds and low temps tomorrow.

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