Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Monday March 30, 2020

Monday March 30, 2020

Blog time 1330 sitting in living room.

Today we start another week of Sheltering in Place.  The temperature this morning was 37 with 20 mph wind.  Not exactly Spring like.

Nancy was first up.  She took Ms P out.  

As soon as I got up headed downstairs for calisthenics.  Dressed warm for my morning bike ride.  Breakfast and then headed out.  Took my 11 mile route.  Encountered several folks walking but no bikers.  Heavy rain the past two days have left many deep puddles.  No critters seen today.

Nancy walked to Panera for her coffee.  Total distance walked 2.3 miles.

At home I showered, dressed, grabbed my iPad and drove to Panera for morning coffee.  Sat outside in parking lot and using Panera’s WiFi read my email and finished yesterday’s blog.  I got my refill and was just finishing up reading a story I fell asleep.  Slept 1/2 hour.  A warm car with heated seats create a great environment for sleeping.

At home I had lunch.  Took a nap and then Nancy and I went on a 1.5 mile walk.  Fixed our apple snack.

We had our standard light Monday dinner.  Cheerios and toast.  Fixed after dinner snacks.  Tonight we watched the news and Jeopardy in the living room before moving to the den.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  It was misting when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Low temperature tonight mid 30s.

Missy and Debbie made their nightly FaceTime call to see how the old folks were doing.  We said ok.

Some positive things about Sheltering at Home.  

More family quality time.  We see entire families going for walks.

Air quality in urban areas has increased immensely because no one is using their vehicles.

Less vehicular carbon emissions means the impact on Global Warming is lessened.

I am sure there are many more! 

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