Monday, March 30, 2020

Sunday March 29, 2020

Sunday March 29, 2020

Blog time 1115 sitting in living room

Nancy was up early with Ms P at 0510.  She went back to bed but had to get back up at 0600 to feed her.  Being the lucky soul I slept in until 0715.

We are still sheltered at home.  For our morning exercise we took a two mile walk following Nancy’s favorite route.  It was a warm 57 with sun.  We saw neither walker or vehicle.

At home I fixed my standard oatmeal with banana breakfast.  I then grabbed Nancy’s thermos and headed to Panera for our morning coffee.  I sat in Panera’s parking lot using their WiFi and read NEWS app on the iPad.  Refilled my coffee (free) and drove home.  

Spent time in living room finishing yesterday’s blog and reading the GRP.  Coronavirus dominates.

I got a little restless so I took a 1.5 mile walk before dinner.  I wore my raincoat because my app said rain would start in 45 minutes.  It did.

This morning the temperature dropped 20 degrees.  Heavy winds, 30mph+, rolled in.

After lunch we grabbed Ms P, put her in the car and took a Sunday afternoon ride.  We took the freeway to Rockford and surface streets back.  

We did make an emergency stop at Culver’s.  We each got a frozen custard. Wicked but good.

I took a short nap and then prepared our apple snack.  Because of our reckless purchase of the frozen custard we had a light dinner.  I had a piece of toast, hard boiled egg and banana.

Today I called Steve and had the opportunity to talk to him (finally).  Everything is ok in Long Beach.  

Missy and Debbie called tonight.  They were checking on their elderly parents.  We told them every thing is fine.

We watched Tiger King on Netflix before turning in.

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