Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Tuesday March 3, 2020

Tuesday March 3, 2020

Blog time 1740 sitting in living room

Took Ms P out at 0550.  It was 36.

Nancy slept sound all night.  She was up at 0630 and fed Ms P.  I slept in until 0700.

Breakfast and then made some calls.  Called our insurance agent and got a status report on our damaged Taurus.  Nothing for us to do.

Nancy called Dr Kutsche and got an appointment for 1140.  I bought us coffee at Panera.  We left home at 1100 for the Doctor’s office.  

Dr Kutsche will schedule more tests.  Another ultra sound and scan.  Until we get the results of the tests Nancy cannot drive or go to MVP.  Obviously she is disappointed.

We stopped at Harvest Bread on the way home to get a loaf of Nancy’s favorite multi grain bread.  We got a sample of freshly baked cranberries raisin bread.  Great bread probably because it is loaded with sugar.

As soon as we got home we took a short walk.  It started snowing during our walk.

Lunch and then I headed to the Y for a short work out.  Calisthenics, stationary bike and 0.5 mile walk.  Showered before heading home.  

I did make a quick trip to Chow Hound to get a 35# bag of corn.  This afternoon I found time for a nap.  After the nap fixed our apple snack. 

For dinner we finished our left over Chinese food from Saturday night.  Still tasty.  

Fixed after dinner cheese/cracker and oatmeal cookie snack.  We watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Prime to watch episode 1 of Hunters.  I gave it an A and Nancy a B.  

This and that:

Looks like Joe Biden had a good Super Tuesday.

Who can figure out the Stock Market?  It looks like the main players are Nervous Nellies.

Coronavirus still dominates the news.  So much conflicting news it is hard to get a handle on it?

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