Monday, March 23, 2020

Sunday March 22, 2020

Weekend Update for WE 22Mar20

Blog time 1900, Sunday Mar 22 sitting living room

Saturday March 21, 2020

Cold and windy so no walk.  I did my calisthenics at 50% before heading out.  We drove to Meijer’s so Nancy could look for Clorox wipes.  No luck.  Next stopped at Panera and bought coffee.

At home fixed my oatmeal breakfast before heading downstairs to office.  Completed several tasks.  
  1. filled out census form on line.  It was easy.
  2. My license plate expires on my birthday.  Wrote a check for renewal?
  3. Read some news and checked email.
  4. Finished yesterday’s blog.

Rest of activities this morning and afternoon.

Nancy did laundry.
Quick lunch.
Nancy talked to her sister, Peg, this afternoon.  Peg is recovering from a broken neck but she said everything was working out fine.
My sister, Helen,  texted that instead of leaving Tucson on April 1 they are coming home, Gaylord, next Wednesday.
Took a short nap followed by 2 mile walk.
Missy called to check how we were doing.  
For dinner I drove to JT’s Pizza to get a medium ham and pineapple pizza.  Tasted good.

Debbie called to check on how we were doing.  We like both the girls making daily calls to see how mom and dad are doing.

We watched the final two episodes of Winter on Acorn before turning in.

Sunday March 22

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I got up at 0630.  This morning we started with a two mile walk.  No church because of the Coronavirus.

Drove to Panera to get us a coffee.  Fixed myself an oatmeal breakfast.  Also banana and toast with peanut butter. 

This morning I shaved my face and head.  First time I used a razor on the head in months.

Drove to D&W to get some bananas.  Also bought gas.  Gas was $1.89 per gallon.

I read the entire GRP before lunch.  Lunch followed by a nap.

Fixed our apple snack.  Nancy took a walk and I took a 7 mile bike ride.

Talked to Missy before dinner.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie and Irish soda bread.

We ate our after dinner snacks in the living room watching 60 Minutes.  Stayed in the living room and watched an episode of NCIS.

At 2100 Nancy headed to bed.  I moved to the den and watched an episode of The Valhalla Murders on Netflix.

It was snowing when I took Ms P out at 2200.

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