Sunday, March 29, 2020

Saturday March 28, 2019

Saturday March 28, 2020

Blog time 1200 sitting in living room

Nancy, like on most mornings was first up.  She took Ms P out and reported it was mild, 48, and raining.  No walk this morning.

I got up at 0645.  Headed downstairs and did my calisthenics at 50%.  Shaved and showered before fixing an oatmeal breakfast w/banana.  

I did step on the scale this morning and noted a weight gain.  Surprise! Not really.  Sheltering at Home should be renamed Snacking at Home.

Drove to Panera to get coffee for both of us.  I parked outside, drank my coffee and read some email before refilling my cup and heading home.

At home sat in living room drinking coffee and reading the news.  Finished yesterday’s blog.  

 Nancy is doing the laundry.  Kim usually put clean sheets on our bed.  Today I volunteered to help Nancy put clean sheets on.  I really screwed up by moving the box spring out of position.  It took us about 30 minutes getting the box springs and mattress back in alignment.

I took a 2 mile walk before lunch.  We had over an inch of rain last night.  The rain brought the earth worms to the surface.  Noted a lot of big fat worms.  The robins will have a feast.

Lunch and then spent some time in office.  Our basement is much colder than the upstairs so I have to turn on the electric fireplace.  What I really need to do is get a gas fired insert installed in our existing fire place.  I have several estimates of cost, $5,000 but haven’t wanted to spend the money.  I might have to break down.

I did take a nap this afternoon followed by our apple snack.  For dinner Nancy fixed the several slices of Costco’s chicken pot pie.  We also had lettuce salad.

Missy and Debbie FaceTimed us last night.  Everything is up to date in MI and CA.  

We watched an episode of The Amazing Mrs Maisel before turning.  Rain predicted for tonight.

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