Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wednesday March 11, 2020

Wednesday March 11, 2020

Blog time 0850 at Panera

The alarm goes off at 0606.  Today I am driving Nancy to MVP for her Wednesday class.  We left home at 0700.  It was pitch black with a light snow.

Dropped Nancy off and headed to Panera.  Today is my easy Wednesday so I had oatmeal, coffee with bagel breakfast.  

Finished yesterday’s blog and read my email and Alpena News.  In yesterday’s election an important school bond issue for APS passed.  I think a major reason was the articles in the AN’s supporting the bond issue.  An important public service by the AN.  We would never get that support from the GRP.

Left Panera at 0900 to pick Nancy up.  Walked into MVP and Nancy was on the phone talking to Dr Kutsche.  The recent tests showed no problems.  She can now drive.  Nancy was one Happy Camper!  Now I have to buy a car.

At home I started a load of laundry, put out corn for deer before running errands.  

First stop was Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans Friday.  Also checked my secret slush fund to see if got enough money for a new car.  No problem.
Bought  a 35# bag of corn at Chow Hound.  My last corn purchase of the year.

At 1230 drove Nancy to the Gardens.  I drove because the Gardens has their very popular butterfly exhibit in full swing.  Parking is difficult and volunteers are asked to have someone drive them.

At home, lunch and then a nap.  Picked up Nancy at 1630.  She said the Gardens was not busy.  Could it be fear of the Coronavirus?

Light dinner and snacks tonight.  At 2000 we watched another episode of Midsomer Murders.  This show keeps going on.  I think we are watching season 16

This and that;

Harvey Weinstein gets 23 years.  

Appears Biden has the Democratic nomination wrapped up.  The November election will be between two old white guys who both at times appear out of it.

Iran and Italy appear to be Coronavirus hot spots outside of China.

I did not watch the President’s talk.

Took Ms P out at 2200.  It was 39.  

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