Saturday, March 28, 2020

Friday March 27, 2020

Friday March 27, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in living room.

Friday, Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I was up at 0645.  Nancy headed out for her morning walk before I headed downstairs to do my calisthenics.

After the calisthenics and breakfast I headed out for my 11 mile bike ride.  The temp was 35 with a stiff East wind.  Riding into the wind was unpleasant.  Traffic was very light.  It is weird when I see all the empty parking lots.  

The Coronavirus is an equal opportunity disease.  King, Prince’s, movie stars, athletes and a Prime Minister are all infected.  

The stock market goes up one day and then down the next.  I think most folks are just ignoring it.

At home I showered, dressed and then drove to Panera.  Got my coffee, sat outside in my car and read my email.  Panera’s WiFi extends to their parking lot.  I stayed outside long enough to finish most of my coffee.  Refilled my cup and headed home.

At home, lunch and then headed down to the office.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read the papers.

Afternoon activities;

Nancy took another walk.  Today she got almost four miles in.

I took a long nap.  I slept sound for over an hour.  I don’t think I moved.

Apple snack.

I finished the afternoon with short walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed ham and bean soup.  We also had some of the baguette I bought earlier at Panera.

 Missy FaceTimed us.  She and AJ are doing ok.  Missy had just shipped out some of her hijabs to hospitals around the Country.  During this crisis she does not charge the hospitals.  A very charitable move.

Debbie also FaceTimed.  She is feeling better.  She has been very busy working at home.  Her day starts at 0600 and ends in the evening.  

We started watching an Agatha Christie series on Amazon.  It was so bad we stopped watching about 20 minutes in.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched The Valhalla Murders.  Fell asleep and woke up two episodes later.

It was raining when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Rain will continue through the night.

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