Thursday, March 5, 2020

Wednesday March 4, 2020

Wednesday March 4, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0530.   I slept in until 0700.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did my calisthenics at home.  As I was showering Nancy gave me the phone.  It was a call from Fox Ford.  The Taurus was totaled and they asked if we could come and empty it out.  We headed out as soon as I got dressed.

It was kind of emotional for Nancy to clean the car out.  She loved the Taurus.

Dropped Nancy off at home and I drove to Panera to finish yesterday’s blog.  I asked a neighbor where I could get a good used car.  He told me that whatever we do the car should be Certified.  He gave me a tutorial on finding a car.

Nancy is working at the Garden’s this afternoon.  I will drive her.

Today is my Mother, Margaret Louise Hughes Scott birthday.  Mom was born on this date in 1907.  I have many found memories of my mother.  She did a great job raising her hyperactive little boy.  Today I would be diagnosed as being ADHD.  Mom had the right formula and in looking back I think she did a super job.
The best advice my Mother gave me was:

I would never be happy working for a large firm because I don’t respond well to authority.  I needed to be in control of a small group.  She was right the best thing I did was to have my own small firm.  Thanks Mom!

At home I put out corn for deer before driving Nancy to the Gardens.  I dropped Nancy off and on way home I stopped at Fresh Tyme to get 3 loafs of Irish Soda bread and a bag of apples.

Normal Wednesday chores, laundry, trash and recyclables and of course lunch.  Took a short nap.

At 1600 I drove to the Gardens to pick Nancy up.  She said they were busy.  The butterfly exhibit is now open.

We were notified on the payout for the Taurus from the Insurance Company.  I thought it was fair.

Metro Health called and notified Nancy that she is scheduled for two ultra sound tests next Tuesday.  Good news.  

We had a light dinner, watched the news and Jeopardy while enjoying our after dinner snack.  Tonight we watched the final two episodes on “No Offence”.  Good show.

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