Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Monday March 9, 2020

Monday March 9, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I got up at 0645.  With DST the sun does not come up until 0800.  A bummer for morning folks.

No MVP for Nancy.  She is getting restless and wants to start driving now.  I told her no driving until after the results of tomorrow’s tests.

I left home at 0810.  The sun was out and the temperature was 52.  I biked to the Y.  Hard to know what to wear this early in the bike season.  Today I was way overdressed.

Calisthenics and 0.8 mile walk before shower.  It was raining when I left the Y for Panera.  Looks like rain for the rest of the day.

Our schedule today includes a trip to Costco.  We also have to stop at Dr Kutsche’s office to get him to sign some insurance forms.

The Coronavirus totally dominates the news and stock market.  Of course a lot of finger pointing by all the pols.

Good news!  Today I saw my first Robin!

At home I put out corn for deer.  Lunch and then we drove to Dr Kutsche’s office to drop off some insurance papers.

Our next stop was Costco.  The Coronavirus is having its impact on Costco.  No food samples and the store was out of toilet paper.  I guess all Costco stores have had a run on toilet paper.

We purchased Kleenex, sandwich thins, prunes, Cheerios and mini naan.  It was seniors day at Costco.  We finished our visit by splitting a frozen yogurt.

Speaking of a run on critical items.  In 1962 while stationed on remote Midway Island the Navy Exchange (PX) ran out of razor blades.  The Navy required all sailors to be clean shaven.  The sailors blamed the shortage on Navy wives using the blades for grooming.  Officers and senior enlisted were allowed to bring their families.  A mad sailor spread the rumor that the Navy Exchange was out of sanitary napkins creating a run on the items.  A special flight from Hawaii had to be made to restock the shelves.

This afternoon I took a nap followed by an apple snack.  

Called Frankenmuth insurance to get info on renting a car.  I will rent a car if tomorrow’s test show Nancy is ok to drive.  Also will start looking for a replacement car.

Light dinner followed by after dinner snacks.  After the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.  A very well written show.  Always good with a positive message.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched episode 1 of  season 3, Babylon Berlin.  Kind of a dark, gloomy show.  Took Ms P out at 2200.  It was 47 and raining.  Made sure the alarms were set for 0505.

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