Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Monday March 2, 2020

Monday March 2, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera:

Nancy reported it was very pleasant this morning, temp was 36.  It was so nice today that I decided to take my bike to the Y.  Pumped up the tires and headed out.  The pavement was dry along the entire route.  Great to be outside on the bike.

Nancy has a lunch today with her friends from Blodgett.  As soon as I get home I will take my summer bike in to get it annual checkup.  Will also stop at Chow Hound to get corn.

The Y was very crowded today.  Glad I rode my bike because all the stationary bikes were in use.  I did calisthenics and a 0.8 mile walk.  Showered and then headed to Panera.

At home I took Ms P out when I got a call telling me that Nancy had been involved in a car accident near the Cascade Meijer’s.  I drove to the accident site and saw the damaged Taurus.  Nancy had been taken to Emergency at Butterworth.  I headed to Butterworth.

Nancy was given all kinds of tests.  EKG, ultrasounds, blood, etc.  All test came back as normal.  No problems noted.

We left Butterworth at 1800.  Had a light dinner and then watched some TV which included an episode of Midsomer Murders.  At bedtime Nancy was pain free and slept soundly.  

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