Saturday, March 21, 2020

Friday March 20, 2020

Friday March 20, 2020

Blog time 1130 sitting in living room.

Heavy rain rolled through last night.  It was 51 and misting when Nancy took Ms P out.

I did my full calisthenics routine at home.  Breakfast and then stepped outside to check weather.  It was very windy and misting.  No bike ride or walk this morning.

Showered and made a quick trip to Panera to get coffee for the two of us.   As you might expect Panera was empty.  The manager said the drive thru and walk in business was very slow today.

At home Nancy told me that Staples is suppose to have a supply of handiwipes.  We drove to Staples.   They ran out yesterday.

This morning I sat in living room, read the papers and finished yesterday’s blog.  The sun just came out, 1145, but the temperature has dropped from 51 to 38.  

Nancy and I are now heading out for a walk.  Stay tuned. 

It was sunny but windy, 17mph, when we started.  Sun did not last long as clouds rolled in.  Light snow when we finished our mile and a quarter walk.  BRR!

This and that:

Talked to Debbie and Missy yesterday.  Always good to talk.

Today we received a txt from Veronica asking how we are doing.  Nancy replied every thing was fine.

Just watched a press conference with the President.  Both the press and the President were uncivil.  We turned the TV off.  I think POTUS’s reaction to the Coronavirus has cost him this year’s election.

After lunch;
Took a nap
Fixed apple snack
Took another walk.  This time 2 miles.
At 1800 put out the last of this year’s corn.
Missy FaceTimed us asking how this were going.  We gave a positive reply.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.

We watched the news and Jeopardy in the living room.  Also enjoyed our after dinner snack.  

On Friday night we always watch Brooks and Shield’s comments on the past week.  Their segment is on PBS’s news hour.  I thought the comments of David Brooks were spot on.  

At 2000 we moved to the living room and watched to episodes of Winter on acorn.  Great show.

Before heading to bed we FaceTimed Debbie to see how she was holding up.  She is still fighting a long term cold.  We wished her well.

It was below freezing when took  Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to 20 tonight.

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