Sunday, March 31, 2019

Saturday March 30, 2019

Saturday March 30, 2019

Blog time 1210 at Cascade Library 

Ms P and I got up at 0630.  It was 35 and raining when we went out.

Performed some calisthenics before getting dressed.  No walk to Panera because of the rain.  We drove.  

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast and Nancy just had coffee.  Talked with several regulars who are going on a Danube River Cruise from the Black Sea to Budapest.  Same cruise Nancy and I took several years ago.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I drove to Ace Hardware to purchase light bulbs.  I bought several that the salesman said would last fifteen years.  I don’t believe it.  

Replaced the bulbs.  Grabbed my backpack put on raincoat and walked to Cascade Library.  Found a comfortable desk.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read the morning papers.  I did like Peggy Noonan’s OpEd in the WSJ.  I think her thoughts reflect the feelings of most moderate folks.

It was still sprinkling on the walk home.  Quick lunch and then headed downstairs.

Completed calisthenics.
Shaved and showered.
Put away clean clothes.
Completed reading the papers and checking email.
Fixed apple snack.

At 1730 we picked up our old neighbor, Sonya, and headed to Houlihan’s for dinner.  Nancy and Sonya had sandwiches.  I had salmon with mashed potatoes and asparagus.  We all liked our meal.  We were home by 2000.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up.  Tonight we watched an episode of Secret City.

Temperature tonight is suppose to drop to low 20s.  Two more days of frigid temps before return to normal Spring weather.

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