Thursday, March 21, 2019

Wednesday March 20, 2019

Wednesday March 20, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Up at 0615.  It was 34 degrees when Ms P and I went out.  Noted a big bright full moon.

The Vernal Equinox occurs today at 1758.  In a perfect world we should have 12h of both daylight and night.  In GR today we have 12 hours and 10 minutes of daylight.  Close enough.  

Nancy is still under the weather so no MVP.  This afternoon, however, she will work at the Gardens.  This evening we will attend our class at Trinity Lutheran on Searching for the Historical Jesus.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Mild calisthenics this morning and then headed out to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Today for first time this year I rode my Bad Boy Cannondale bike.  It just had a tune up so riding it was a joy.

At Panera I had an oatmeal breakfast.  As a boy my Grandmother would make me oatmeal every morning.  She always told me oatmeal was the standard breakfast for all little Scottish boys.  Grandmother Hughes’ father, Dr James McTavish, was from Campbeltown, Scotland.  She was proud of her Scottish heritage.  It was during WW II and sugar was rationed so Grandmother would not let me put sugar on the oatmeal.  She put a tiny bit on.  I wanted much more.  Now I put a lot of sweetener on.

I took the scenic five mile route home.  Stopped at the bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.  It started to snow just as I got home.

Nancy headed to her shift at Meijer’s.  I had a quick lunch and then started my Wednesday chores:

Did two loads of laundry.
Took out trash and recyclables.
Paid several bills.
Took a short nap.

It snowed all afternoon.  When Nancy got home at 1700 the grassed areas were white even though the temp had never got below 32.  Nancy said the Gardens had over 1,000 visitors.  They came to see the butterflies.

We had an early light dinner.  At 1830 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Each week we seem to pick a few more folks for the class.  This week’s lecture was about the Roman control of Jesus’s homeland during his life.  Very interesting.

Got home near 2100.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Hunted.

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