Saturday, March 23, 2019

Friday March 22, 2019

Friday March 22, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

We all slept in until 0630 this morning.  It was 35, windy, but with a bright full moon.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP.  She has declared herself over the cold.

After breakfast I got on my summer bike and headed to the Y.  Despite the wind the sun was out so every thing was good.

Did all normal things at Y before heading to Panera.  I have spent too much time reading email and finishing yesterday’s blog.  It is now noon and I have not even started reading the news.

Tonight at 1800 Nancy and I are attending an event at the GR Art Museum.  Four night this week we have been out.  Social Butterflies!

This and that:

The President declared that the Golan Heights are part of Israel much to the disappointment of many allies.

EU and UK have agreed to an extension.  So what?

All the talk at the Y and Panera was about the NCAA BB tournament.  I did not fill out a bracket. 

I have not seen one person running for POTUS that I would vote for.

Kim was just finishing cleaning when I got home.  The house looks good.  

Quick lunch and then read my mail and paid my credit card bill.  I seldom use cash anymore.

Took a nap and then at 1700 we headed to the GR Art Museum.  Tonight was a periodic members only event.  The GRAM provides light snacks and a cash bar.  It is always well attended and the snacks are good.

Tonight’s event was called “Art in Bloom”.  The staff picked fifteen well known paintings and asked local floral artists to create a floral arrangement that replicates the painting.  We were all given a ballot and told to vote for the flower arrangement that best fulfills this criteria.  Many folks got carried away.  I thought several arrangement were quite good.  A very pleasant evening.

It was still light when we headed home.  This evening we watched Manhunt on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Hunted.  

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