Saturday, March 16, 2019

Friday March 15, 2019

Friday March 15, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  The temperature was 38 with mist.

I slept in until 0630.  Should I bike or drive today.  I stepped out at 0700 and it was raining.  No brainer! today I drive.

The warm weather has melted most of the snow.  A cold front is moving in so we might get snow this evening.

Beware of the “Ides of March” is something I remember from Latin class.  Every March 15 I recall Ms Lee, our Latin teacher, telling us of Julius Caesar’s assignation on this date in 44 BC.  Some things from school we never forget.

Noted a number of college age students at the Y so I assume they were on Spring break.  Water aerobics for old folks and spinning are very popular Y classes.  Did my normal exercise routine before heading to Panera.

At Panera I continued with my no coffee routine.  I substituted milk.  It appears to be working because my sour stomach has disappeared.  Maybe I can resume coffee drinking next week?  I sure hope so. I love my morning coffee.
The New Zealand Mosque shooting is dominating the news.  In Michigan the Governor’s proposed $ 0.45 gas tax has many folks up in arms.  I hope the politicians settle on at least a $ 0.25 hike.  The highways need more money. 

At home had lunch and then finished reading the papers.  Nancy has Book Club today and as soon as she get home about 1400 we plan on going to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.

When Nancy got home I asked if she still wanted to go to the Mall.  She said “not really”.  That was ok with me because the weather was still nasty.  I took a nap.

After the nap took a 1.5 mile walk and fixed our apple snack.  We had chicken noodle soup for dinner.

Prepared Nancy her cheese and pills snack, did the dishes and watched news on PBS.  After the news we watched an episode of Hunted on Prime followed by Secret City on Netflix.  We were in bed by 2200.

We have had light snow this evening.  The temp will drop to mid 20s tonight.  

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