Friday, March 8, 2019

Thursday March 7, 2019

Thursday March 7, 2019
Blog time 1045 at Panera

Nancy again took Ms P out this morning.  She reported it was 16 but no snow.  Wind chill a balmy +2.  

Nancy headed out before 0700 for her Thursday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.  The Y was not very crowded this morning.  Talked to a fellow I see vigorously working out nearly every time I am there.  I thought he might be younger than yours truly but no he is 85.  I am impressed.  Although I can do my exercises at home I like the social interaction provided by the Y.

Overheard several men talking about dealing with their teenage kids.  They were frustrated that the teenagers were not paying attention.  I remember that with our teenagers if they were really getting on my nerves I would get revenge when driving them and friends.  I would turn the car radio to a Country and Western station.  Totally embarrassing!  Uncool Dad!

We have been home a week from our trip to CA.  Everything is back to normal.  

For the first time in several weeks tomorrow the temp will be above 32.  To celebrate I am taking my bike in to get its Spring checkup.

This and that:
The Democrats are having a difficult time dealing with outspoken Muslim representatives.  Remember free speech really means free speech.

An Adult male who had not been vaccinated against measles described the troubles he had recovering from the disease.  He vigorously supports vaccination.  

I had a Navy friend that got the mumps in his mid 20s.  He was miserable but luckily he made a full recovery.  I am sure Jay had his kids vaccinated.

Young women carry their iPhones in their jeans back pocket.  Young men don’t.

This afternoon:

Took my Bad Boy bike in for a Spring checkup and new tires.
Quick lunch.
Paid a lot of bills.
Got a call that our taxes are done.  Will pickup tomorrow.
Put out corn for deer.  Picked up 10 cobs that were stripped clean.  The deer must be starving.
Walked to post box to mail bills.
Fixed apple snack.
Took short nap in my lazy boy chair.

For dinner Nancy and I drove to Brann’s.  I had wine and chilli and Nancy had a French dip. We always give Brann’s an A-.  My MG was acting up.  I had trouble chewing.  It cleared up by 2000.

Tonight we watched an episode of London Kills on Acorn.  Good show.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Secret City.  Tomorrow we will finally have temps above 32.

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