Sunday, March 3, 2019

Saturday March 2, 2019

Saturday March 2, 2019
Blog time 1100 at Cascade Library 

Ms P woke me up at 0515.  It was snowing but the temp was a mild 28.

Headed back to bed and did not get up until 0730.  My body is still in jet lag mode.

We drove to Panera this morning.  I had my standard oatmeal breakfast and Nancy had only coffee.  Panera was not very crowded.  We discussed where we might eat tonight.  Decided on Houlihan’s because Nancy has a coupon.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I grabbed my ipad and walked to the Cascade Library.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read some news.  Really found nothing of interest in news so no comments today.

Pleasant walk home.  Sun and fresh snow are a good combo.  

Although being in CA for a week has given me a bad case of Spring Fever.  Tired of boots, gloves and heavy overcoats.

Lunch and then spent time: 
Checking finances including paying credit card.
Finished sorting tax info.  
Nancy will pick up final tax documents on Monday.
Put out corn for deer.
Put away laundry.

At 1600 we headed to Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbots and I looked in Fitzgerald’s and Orvis.  We purchase nothing.

Walked over to Houlihan’s for dinner.  Not very crowded.  Nancy had the beef dip and I had salmon.  Very good.  Nancy had a 1/2 birthday coupon so her meal was free.

At home we watched an episode of Vera.  Debbie FaceTimed us and gave us an update on the heavy rains in the Bay Area.  They have had more rain the last several weeks than what they normally get in a year.

We were both in bed by 2200.  No snow tonight but temps will be in low 20s in the morning.

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