Friday, March 22, 2019

Thursday March 21, 2019

Thursday March 21, 2019
Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0615.  Took Ms P out.  The temperature was 35 and the snow was slowly melting.  Heavy fog over the area.

Nancy decided that today she would go swimming.  I made her promise she would only swim 50% of her normal distance.

After breakfast I decided to take my winter bike because of  snow and ice in shady spots.  Winter just won’t let go.

Thursday so the Y was not busy.  Calisthenics and a six minute row.  Showered and then headed to Panera.

Like the Y, Panera was not crowded.  Folks must spend March in warmer climes.  Good idea.

This and that:

Boeing had several safety features for the 737 Max but they were not on the Indonesia or Ethiopia planes that crashed.  They cost extra so were not included.  Good grief if it is a safety feature it should be standard!

The Kentucky Governor intentionally exposed his nine kids to Chicken Pox.  They all got the disease.  Dumb, dumb!  He better tell his children when they become adults to get a shingles shot.  I had both chicken pox and shingles.  Shingles is miserable.  I still have problems from the shingles.

The Daily Telegraph had a recent photo of a new born lamb in England.  The thing that got me was all the green grass and flowers.  England is over 500 miles north of GR.   Let’s hope Climate Change does not screw up the warming Gulf Stream.

China’s Muslim area, Urumqi, is being demolished.  The Chinese government won’t tolerate the Muslim religion.  They also have put reins on Christian religions.  This policy will eventually backfire.  You cannot deny freedom.
The USA should be proud of its Freedom of Religion policy.

Good news, cooler heads are prevailing.  The US Chamber of Commerce is backing a Federal Gas Tax.

Did not get home until 1300.  The bike ride is adding time to my morning activities.  

Lunch and then I head downstairs to the office.  Spend some time on the family tree.  Also finished reading the morning papers.

I ended the afternoon with a nap followed by our apple snack.  At 1600 Nancy and I headed downtown.  We are having dinner with niece Jennifer Finnegan.  Jennifer is staying at the downtown Holiday Inn. She is attending a conference.

Picked up Jennifer at the Hotel and walked to the BOB.  We had dinner in one of the BOB’s restaurants, the Bobarino.  Food was good and we had a pleasant time.  Jennifer gave us an update on fixing up her farmhouse in Johannesburg and this summer’s Wedding.  A very pleasant evening.

At home watched some College BB and an episode of Manhunt of Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Hunted on Amazon.


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