Monday, March 4, 2019

Sunday March 3, 2019

Sunday March 3, 2019

Blog time 1620 sitting in downstairs office.

Looked out window at 0200 this morning and saw two deer eating the corn.  They must have great night time vision.

Up at 0600.  Took Ms P out.  The temp was 22 but no wind so decided today we can take our Sunday morning walk.

First time this year that we really did not need our flashlights.  Although with DST starting next week we might need them then.

The pavements were dry making walking easy.  We encountered no pedestrians.  Also did not see any critters. I thought I heard a Robin.  A very dumb Robin.

Dressed for church before having a quick breakfast. Read the funnies and then headed to Trinity Lutheran.  

Grabbed a coffee before the start of the service.  Good crowd today.  Saw several folks back from warmer climes.

After church we headed to Kohl’s.  Nancy bought several pair of khakis.

Meijer’s was very crowded.  Gas was $2.34.  Today they had my favorite sugar free oatmeal cookies on sale so we bought several packs.  The only cookies on my menu.

At home Nancy finished the laundry and I ironed two pair of khakis.  Read several sections of the GRP before lunch.

I took my Sunday nap.
Wrote monthly note to Grandkids.
Downloaded new operating system for laptop.  It crashed and now must take it to Apple Store to get fixed.
Fixed apple snack.  
Put out corn for deer.
Walked in sunshine to the postbox to mail monthly note to Grandkids.  Sun is good.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had spinach pie, bacon and fresh pineapple.

We watched 60 Minutes and finished reading the GRP.  Watched episode one of London Kills on Acorn.  We liked the show.

Nancy got up about midnight and saw a single deer eating the corn.  The temperature will plummet tonight.  Single digits tomorrow morning.

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