Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Monday March 4, 2019

Monday March 4, 2019

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Took Ms P out at 0600.  It was cold.  Temperature of 10 with wind chill of -3.  No walk this morning.

Nancy headed to MVP.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.  Arrived at 0830 and was surprised that it was not busy.  New Year’s resolution folks stayed in bed?

On this date in 1907 my Mother, Margaret Louise Hughes, was born in Alpena, MI.  She graduated from AHS in 24 and UM in 28.  She taught school in Constantine, Mi before the Depression forced her to move back to Alpena.  She taught several years in Alpena, English and French, before marrying Dad in 1936.  

Looking back on my childhood I think Mom and Dad had the perfect plan for raising their hyperactive son.  They set manageable goals and put up with my head banging ways.  Today I would probably be on all kinds of hyperactivity drugs.  Given this freedom I was able to figure out how to reach their goals.  In retrospect I appreciate Mom’s methods.  She was great.

Did you know married women in the 1930s could not teach?

Today at 1230 I am having an ultrasound test.  I have to drink 36 oz of water before the test.  I will leave directly from Panera to the Laboratory.

Arrived at the lab at exactly 1230 and was immediately escorted into the ultrasound room.  The test was painless and took about 30 minutes.  They checked my bladder and kidneys.  We do have two kidneys don’t we?  A Radiologist will read the test and report back to my GP later this week.

At home I had a quick lunch.  Checked over our IRS forms found I did not have a form for my IRA.  Stopped at Wells Fargo picked up the form and delivered all our tax data to our preparer.  

At home:

Prepared apple snack.
Put out corn for deer.
Finished reading news.
Sat in my lazy boy and fell asleep for 30’.
I get my best sleep when my upper body is elevated.

This and that:
The weather is dominating the news.  Winter just won’t let go.
Our Governor has proposed a big increase in gas tax for highways.  I think it is a good idea.  A gas tax is a utility fee.  If you don’t want to pay the tax buy an electric car.
A good move against global warming would be switch Diesel engines to natural gas.
Congress is doing nothing but fighting.  It is so discouraging.

We had a light dinner.  Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack.  Settled down to watch some Apple TV.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of London Kills.  We like this show.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched a netflix show whose name escapes me.  It was good.

We are under a Winter Weather Advisory.  Temps in low teens tomorrow with wind chills below zero.

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