Sunday, March 24, 2019

Saturday March 23, 2019

Saturday March 23, 2019

Nancy took Ms P out early this morning.  She said it was cold, 22, and windy.  

This morning I volunteered to work at Trinity Lutheran.  The renovation is nearly offer so today’s work included moving furniture and office supplies back into the renovated offices.  I signed up for the 9 to noon shift.

Nancy is still under the weather so I drove to Panera for a quick oatmeal breakfast.  I did get Nancy a coffee and made a quick stop at home to give it to her.

I arrived at Trinity exactly on time, 0900.  We had plenty of volunteers.  The work included moving office furniture, supplies and shelving from outdoor storage pods.  I grabbed a dolly and began moving boxes.  I let the young guys move the heavy desks and shelving.  Most of the boxes were under 35#.  By 1130 all items had been moved into the renovated offices.  The work was over.  The folks who volunteered for the afternoon shift lucked out.

Stopped at D&W on way home and bought 1/2# of coleslaw.  At home I did some stretches and then shaved and showered.  Quick lunch before taking an afternoon nap.  Took two Motrin in anticipation of some hip and back pain.

After the nap.
Took a short walk.
Fixed our apple snack.
Finished reading the papers.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed scalloped potatoes with peas and cole slaw.  Very tasty.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up.

Tonight we watched the last episode of Manhunt.  We gave it a B+.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Hunted.

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